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Report of the Meeting
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Consideration of Ways And Means to Promote the Positive and Minimize the Negative Impacts of the Production and Use of Biofuels on Biodiversity
Report of the Meeting
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Report of the Meeting
Provisional Agenda
Provisonal Agenda
Consideration of Ways and Means to Promote the Positive and Minimize the Negative Impacts of the Production and Use of Biofuels on Biodiversity
Agricultural Biodiversity - Biofuels and Biodiversity: Consideration of Ways and Means to Promote the Positive and Minimize the Negative Impacts of the Production and Use of Biofuels on Biodiversity (Corrigendum 2)
A Contribution to the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators: Rapid Assessment of Pollinators' Status
Progress Report on the Implementation of Programmes of Work on Thematic Areas: Inland Water, Marine and Coastal, Agricultural, and Forest Biological Diversity (Corrigendum)
Applying an Ecosystem Approach for Forestry, Fisheries and Agriculture
In-Depth Review of the Implementation of the Programme of Work on Agricultural Biodiversity
A Contribution to the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators: Rapid Assessment of Pollinators’ Status. Submission by FAO
Synthesis of Information from the Third National Reports on the Implementation of the Programme of Work on Agricultural Biodiversity
In-Depth Review Of The Programme Of Work On Agricultural Biodiversity
Input into the In-Depth Review of the Agricultural Biodiversity Programme of Work
Input Into the In-Depth Review of the Agricultural Biodiversity Programme of Work (Corrigendum )
Applicability of the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines on Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity to the Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biodiversity
In-Depth Review of the Programme of Work on Agricultural Biodiversity: Main issues related to agricultural biodiversity identified by the International Federation of Agricultural Producers
Thematic Programmes of Work Progress Reports and Consideration of Proposals for Future Action: Forest Biological Diversity; Biological Diversity of Inland Water Ecosystems; Marine and Coastal Biodiversity and Agricultural Biodiversity
Programme of Work on Agricultural Biodiversity: Options for a Cross-cutting Initiative on Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition
Report of the Consultation on the Cross-Cutting Initiative on Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition
Presentations to the Consultation on the Cross-Cutting Initiative on Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition
Information for participants
Thematic programmes of work: Progress reports on implementation and consideration of proposals for future action: forest biological diversity; biological diversity of dry and sub-humid lands; and agricultural biological diversity
Provisional Programme
Options for a Cross-Cutting Initiative on Biodiversity for Food and Nutrition
Information for participants
Indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 target: Area of forest, agricultural and aquaculture ecosystems under sustainable management
Opportunities for Synergies in Planning and Implementing Projects in the Framework of the Programmes of Work on Biological Diversity of Dry and Sub-Humid Lands and Agricultural biological diversity
Item 3.2 of the Provisional Agenda <br> Progress Report on the Implementation of Programmes of Work on Thematic Areas: Inland Water, Marine and Coastal, Agricultural, and Forest Biological Diversity
24 - 25 June 2013, Rome, Italy
15 - 22 June 2013, Rome, Italy
13 - 15 May 2013, Rome, Italy
22 - 26 April 2013, Rome, Italy
13 - 19 April 2013, Rome, Italy
Reference: SCBD/STTM/DCo/VA/81181 (2013-001)
To: CBD Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, ILCs, International Organizations, and NGOs
The Food and Agriculture Organization recognizes the enormous contributions and important role of family farmers, indigenous peoples and local communities in managing, conserving and sustaining our biodiversity. Ten years after its initiation by FAO in 2002, during the World Summit on Sustainabl ...
PPV & FR Authority in association with the other stakeholders viz, with National Innovation Foundation, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources(NBPGR), Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources, National Seed Association of India (NSAI), New Delhi would like to organise side events on the the ...
Tropical agroforests are characterized by great diversity among and within tree species that is of immense value to smallholders. This event, organized by the World Agroforestry Centre, highlights the role of this diversity in promoting the health and nutrition of local people, through the provi ...
Key solutions to help countries and rural communities adapt to a changing climate in the midst of nutritional and financial crises.
Land conversion is the primary driver of biodiversity loss with over 50% of deforestation due to agriculture, yet the CBD recognises that businesses are amongst the least engaged of stakeholders. This session brings together conservation organisations that are working with progressive businesses ...
An international meeting comprising of farmers and pastoralists from Western Africa, South Asia and South-East Asia to discuss the global challenges and threats facing indigenous knowledge systems and traditional farming and pastoralist communities, and the tools that can be employed in order to ...
The improved maintenance and use of agricultural biodiversity is central to improving the sustainability of agricultural production systems. This side event, jointly hosted by the UNEP and FAO will present the experiences from a variety of countries which have undertaken GEF supported projects ...
This event will discuss the linkage between climate change, agriculture biodiversity and food security. The major focus of the discussion will be how climate change has been affecting agriculture biodiversity and hence food security. It will seek answers to some pressing questions such as: Are t ...
As of August 1, the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI) comprises 117 various members working on maintaining and rebuilding socio-ecological production landscapes around the world. At this event, some IPSI members will give some presentations to share the outcome of the ...
The rapid depletion of agrodiversity with Green Revolution has become much more severe after the advent of Genetic Engineering. India which is a home of cotton lost all its desi cotton varieties as they got relaced by inter specific and intra specific hybrids. After the release of Bt cotton, all ...