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Report of the First Regional Real-Time Online Conferences on Risk Assessment and Risk Management under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: Europe
Report of the First Regional Real-Time Online Conferences on Risk Assessment and Risk Management under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: Africa
23 - 27 February 2009, Mexico City, Mexico
Informe sobre la primera conferencia regional en línea en tiempo real sobre la evaluación del riesgo y la gestión de riesgos en el marco del Protocolo de Cartagena sobre seguridad de la biotecnología: Latín América
San José, 6 March 2009 – More than 50 participants from Governments and organizations involved in the implementation and financing of biosafety capacity-building activities will meet in San José, Costa Rica, from 9 to 11 March to share experiences and discuss strategies for improving capacity-bu ...
9 - 11 March 2009, San José, Costa Rica
12 - 13 March 2009, San José, Costa Rica
Reference: SCBD/BS/CG/KG/ps/67309 (2009-036)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB focal points have not yet been designated), Biosafety Clearing House National Focal Points, Relevant Organizations
The Secretariat is pleased to announce that registration for the Online Forum on Standards for LMO Shipments is now open. You are invited to register to participate in the Forum here: https://bch.cbd.int/onlineconferences/registration_art18.shtml.
English20 - 24 April 2009, Montreal, Canada
Reference: SCBD/BS/UN/jh/67565 (2009-055)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB focal points have not yet been designated), Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) National Focal Points, Relevant Organizations
In order to meet the request by the COP-MOP in a timely manner in the preparation of a synthesis of the views submitted and to develop a draft programme of work for the consideration of the COP-MOP, you are invited to send to the Secretariat your views and suggestions on the possible elements of ...
English French
Reference: SCBD/BS/MPDM/jh/67587 (2009-056)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB focal points have not yet been designated), Biosafety Clearing House National Focal Points, Relevant Organizations
In order to allow timely deliberations on the issue by experts of the Open-ended Online Forum through a) ad hoc discussion groups, tentatively scheduled to start in November 2009; and b) real-time conferences, tentatively scheduled to start in February 2010, as well as by the experts of the AHT ...
English French
Reference: SCBD/BS/KG/CG/jh/67778 (2009-066)
To: African Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety National Focal Points
I am pleased to inform you that the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity is organizing a regional training of trainers’ workshop on the identification and documentation of living modified organisms. The workshop will be held at the Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire Appliquée ( ...
English French
Reference: SCBD/BS/UN/jh/68117 (2009-083)
To: National Focal Points to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
CBD National Focal Points (where CPB National Focal Points have not yet been designated), Biosafety Clearing-House National Focal Points, Relevant Organizations
I am pleased to inform you that the sixth issue of the newsletter on Biosafety entitled Biosafety Protocol News has been posted on the CBD website at the following address: http://www.cbd.int/doc/newsletters/bpn/bpn-06.pdf.
Reference: SBD/BS/CG/ET/ps/68297 (2009-090)
To: National Focal Points to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB NFP), CBD National Focal Points (where CPB NFPs have not yet been designated)
Biosafety Clearing-House National Focal Points (BCH NFP), Relevant organizations
In line with decisions BS-II/12 and BS-IV/16 of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (COP-MOP), the GEF Coordination Division of the United Nations Environment Programme, in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Convention ...
English Spanish French
Reference: SCBD/BS/MPDM/jh/67587 (2009-103)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) National Focal Points
CBD National Focal Points where CPB focal points have not yet been designated
Biosafety Clearing House National Focal Points
Relevant Organizations
Please refer to my notification of 28 May 2009 (ref.: SCBD/BS/MPDM/jh/67587; available at http://www.cbd.int/doc/notifications/2009/ntf-2009-056-bs-en.pdf) on the submission of scientifically sound information regarding the identification of living modified organisms or specific traits that may ...
English French
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/ar/68463 (2009-106)
To: National Focal Points to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, CBD National Focal Points where Biosafety Focal Points have not yet been nominated
I have the honour to inform you that, at the kind invitation of the Government of Japan, the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (COP-MOP/5) will be held in Nagoya, Japan, from 11 15 October 2010.
English Spanish French
Reference: SCBD/BS/ET/CG/jh/68825 (2009-115)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety National Focal Points
for Latin America and the Caribbean Countries
I am pleased to inform you that the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, with funding support from the Government of Spain and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), is organizing a regional training of trainers’ workshop on the identification and d ...
English Spanish22 - 23 September 2009, Ottawa, Canada
Reference: SCBD/BS/ET/CG/jh/68941 (2009-123)
To: National Focal Points to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB-NFPs have not yet been designated)
At its fourth meeting, which was held in Bonn from 12 to 16 May 2008, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety decided to revitalize the pilot phase of the Voluntary Fund for the Roster of Experts and invited developed country Par ...
English Spanish French19 - 21 October 2009, Montreal, Canada
Reference: SCBD/BS/CG/KG/jh/69302 (2009-142)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points where CPB Focal Points have not yet been nominated
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (COP-MOP), in paragraph 1 of its decision BS-III/10, requested Parties and urged other Governments to take measures to ensure that existing documentation or documentation required by domest ...
English Spanish4 - 6 November 2009, Montreal, Canada
8 November 2009, Montreal, Canada
Reference: SCBD/BS/UN//jh/69589 (2009-154)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) National Focal Points , CBD National Focal Points (where CPB focal points have not yet been designated), Biosafety Clearing House (BCH) National Focal Points
Relevant Organizations
Please refer to my earlier notification of 26 May 2009 (ref.:SCBD/BS/UN/jh/67565, available at http://www.cbd.int/doc/notifications/2009/ntf-2009-055-bs-en.pdf) regarding the submission of views on possible elements of a programme of work on public awareness, education and participation concerni ...
English FrenchMontreal, 19 November 2009 – A powerful delegation from Japan visited the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) in Montreal on 16-17 November to discuss substantive preparations for the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to ...
Reference: SCBD/BS/WDY/jh/64396 (2009-164)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB focal points have not yet been designated)
With reference to the notification issued on 8 July 2008, SCBD/BS/CG/jh/64396, I would like to draw your attention to the following items where submissions have been invited by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (COP-MOP)
Reference: SCBD/BS/MPM/CG/jh/ 67587 (2009-166)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) National focal points,
CBD National Focal Points (where CPB focal points have not yet been designated), BCH National Focal Points
During the fourth COP-MOP, the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol agreed on the need for further guidance on specific aspects of risk assessment and risk management, and established an Open-ended online forum on specific aspects on risk assessment and an Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Asse ...
Reference: SCBD/BS/CG/jh/69854 (2009-171)
To: National Focal Points for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD-NFPs)
At its meeting on 8 November 2009, the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol (COP-MOP) requested that a process be initiated to enable Parties submit comments on the draft elements of a strategic plan (2011 to 2020) for the Cartagena Protoc ...
English Spanish French
Reference: SCBD/BS/WDY/jh/69867 (2009-173)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) National focal points, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB focal points have not yet been designated)
The second meeting of the Group of the Friends of the Co-Chairs will be held from 8 to 12 February 2010 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
EnglishProvisional Agenda
Provisional Agenda
Provisional Agenda
Provisional Agenda
Provisional Agenga
Provisional Agenda
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Reference: SCBD/BS/GF/ABw/69956 (2009-178)
To: BCH National Focal Points, CPB National Focal Points, Relevant Organizations
We are pleased to inform you that this study has been launched and that a survey has been prepared as a part of this process. The survey will be available online at http://bch.cbd.int/resources/bch-survey/ for completion until 31 January 2010.
EnglishProvisional Agenda