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Zimbabwe joins the rest of the world to mark World Environment Day tomorrow with various activities to raise awareness on environmental problems we are facing as a country such as air and water pollution, deforestation, veld fires, destruction of wildlife and plant diversity and numerous other p ...
Through innovation, we light up countries, build industries and travel overseas with unprecedented speed. With agricultural developments, a record number of people are being fed, and in some parts of the world, life expectancy has more than doubled.
Facing the triple threat of climate change, loss of nature and pollution, the world must deliver on its commitment to restore at least one billion degraded hectares of land in the next decade – an area about the size of China. Countries also need to add similar commitments for oceans, according ...
The celebration of World Environment Day 2021 will also mark the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. New Delhi: Nature may not have appeared this beautiful ever, thanks to the lockdown measures imposed in various parts of the world in the last one year. In India people cherished th ...
Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations together with the support of partners, it is dedicated to prevent, halt, and reverse the loss and degradation of ecosystems worldwide, and combate global warming, climate ...
Pakistan has been emerged as a global leader by providing nature based solutions to all key environmental challenges of ecosystem degradation and climate changes by taking record initiatives of planting 1.528 billion plants and expanding protected areas coverage during the last eight and half ye ...
In the Dodoma region of Tanzania, an old farmer named Mr. Augustino had lived long enough to see the hills near his home go from being covered with trees to almost entirely barren. It had once rained more regularly, with water flowing in the rivers all year round. But over time, the rainfall les ...
Leonardo DiCaprio, Galapagos National Park Directorate, Island Conservation and Re:wild announce $43 million to support initiative to restore and rewild the Galapagos Islands, building on decades of local conservation efforts.
A peatland restoration project across extensive upland bog and heathland is to be undertaken at the famous Luggala estate in the Wicklow mountains.
From transitioning energy systems to renewables to reimagining food systems to expanding the frontier of carbon capture technologies, the recipe to mitigate the effects of land degradation – which negatively impact the wellbeing of 40 percent of humanity – is constantly growing. But the crux of ...
When an international team of scientists announced in 2019 the potential of restoring forests to slow climate change, the world grabbed shovels. Tree-planting initiatives sprang up from Ethiopia to Nepal, spurred by corporations eager to sponsor them.
Two years ago Ethiopia has announced a vision of planting some 10 million indigenous trees in three years. This year the country has been preparing to hit the target set of planting some six billion trees.
Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR), defined as a process that aims to regain ecological functionality and enhance human wellbeing in deforested or degraded landscapes, has been promoted as a way to tackle many of the key challenges we face, including land degradation, climate change, biodiversit ...
Centuries-old farming techniques used to restore degraded land in Burkina Faso could help guide wider landscape restoration efforts across Africa for both environmental and social benefits.
For the week of 5–9 April, entrepreneurs from around the world gathered on Zoom to go head-to-head with proposals on how to fix one of the world’s largest environmental disasters. At stake: the fast-disappearing Aral Sea, the livelihoods and public health of millions of people, and a USD 5,000 p ...
The Nestlé group has joined a major industry initiative in Southeast Asia targeting the protection and restoration of over 500,000 hectares of tropical forests playing a central role in palm oil production, reports Neill Barston
Since the 1950s, large-farm abandonment has been occurring in many economically developed nations as well as some economically developing countries. Currently, there are an estimated 950 million to 1.1 billion acres of deserted farmland worldwide, according to Drawdown.
June marks the start of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration: an initiative led by the UN Environment Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization, which aims to drive attention towards the urgent need to value and protect our ecosystems.
Forest landscape restoration is attaining new global momentum this year under the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), an initiative launched by the United Nations. Burkina Faso, in West Africa, is one country that already has a head start in forest landscape restoration, and offers valu ...
The word “conservation” is often associated with policy measures or improving a landscape. But a newer solution takes a step back—what if to restore a place, we instead leave it be?
In light of the United Nations (UN) declaration that 2021-2030 is the U.N. Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, a group of scientists is voicing concerns about restoration in heavily fragmented landscapes under a hotter and drier future scenario.
A quarter-century-old harvesting restriction intended to last one year has served as an obstacle to returning eastern Oregon national forests to the healthier, more fire-resilient conditions they embodied in the late 1800s, research by the Oregon State University College of Forestry shows.
When over a million hectares of carbon-rich peatlands burned in Indonesia in 2019, a public health crisis followed – the haze that results causes serious respiratory issues for humans and wildlife, and contributes to climate change – and had not seen at that level since 2015, when the nation’s p ...
We are now in a new age for sustainability. This year marks a shift in how we view sustainability and our individual actions to becoming more sustainable have been welcomed with open arms. It’s the year that the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) has finally begun, with high profile ...
Earlier this year, NOAA released findings indicating that the rate of sea level rise has doubled over the last century and, even if global emissions reduction targets are met, sea level could increase 12 inches by 2100.
2021 marks the beginning of a new era for sustainability. It’s the year that the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) has begun. It’s the year where climate change returned to the agenda for America, with Joe Biden sworn in as President. And, with a degree of hopefulness, it’s the year ...
As we all know that forest covers one third of the Earth's land mass, performing crucial functions around the world. Around 1.6 billion people - including more than 2,000 indigenous cultures - depend on forests. The organisms living in forests are interdependent on each other. Plants make their ...
The largest predator in South America, the jaguar, has returned to the Iberá wetlands in Argentina 70 years after the species was driven to local extinction through hunting and habitat loss. Currently, only about 200 jaguars remain in Argentina.
“Land restoration has a positive impact on the economy, on business, on biodiversity and is a carbon sink, so you have multiple opportunities that can be achieved through land restoration,” Ibrahaim Thiaw told the Climate Adaptation Summit this week.
In Senegal’s Siné-Saloum and Casamance deltas, green seedlings poke through the water’s surface, standing on end like string beans reaching to the sky. There, in spindly clusters and lines, is the next generation of mangroves: six native species selected, seed collected from mature groves, then ...
An international consortium of scientists has worked out − once again − how to conserve life on the planet and absorb dramatic quantities of the atmospheric carbon that is driving potentially calamitous climate change: go for rewilded farmland, fields of crops and livestock returned to prairie a ...
We have in front of us a great opportunity to create awareness on the importance of Mangroves for people and our planet. Having commemorated the World Wetlands Day on the 2nd of February, this is an opportune moment to raise awareness about the vital role of Mangroves; an important type of wetl ...
Vaan Island in India’s Gulf of Mannar has been rapidly disappearing into the Laccadive Sea. But a team of marine biologists is working to save it.
A Vancouver Island non-profit society is looking for more than 1,000 pieces of wood and fallen trees in its project to restore salmon habitat in rivers around the island. Megan Francis, operations manager with Central Westcoast Forest Society, says natural timber that falls into rivers is an ex ...
Jamini Mohan Mahanty is out for a morning walk every day. At 91, he is hale and hearty. A resident of Jharbagda village in Purulia district, West Bengal, Mahanty thanks the “green mountain” in his village for having added some extra years to his life.
Declaring a global planetary emergency, improving sub-volcanic imaging to predict eruptions and developing artificial intelligence that works for humans are some of the urgent actions and research that experts in different fields want to see in 2020.
With only about half of Earth's terrestrial surface remaining as natural vegetation, a University of Queensland-led team has proposed an international goal to halt its continued loss.
The Philippines could be home to the first blue carbon project in Asia-Pacific that uses a ground-breaking method to calculate the amount of carbon stored in mangroves.
Rising seas, polluted coastlines and the specter of more frequent droughts and storms have lent new urgency to efforts to restore the ecosystem of the Florida Everglades, the largest freshwater wetland in the United States.
A blueprint to guide effective ecological restoration that can provide “profound ecosystem services benefits,” including better food and water security, improved health and cleaner air quality while delivering social and environmental equity and economic benefits has just been released.
Two weeks after Malagasy Forest Landscape Restoration experts came to Yaoundé, their Cameroonian counterparts visited Madagascar to intensify their South-South exchange on Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Africa.
A desert is advancing on Nigeria and its neighbors. Each year, the Sahel cuts deeper into the land, overtaking farmlands, rupturing biodiversity and breeding insecurity.
A Great Green Wall, planted across the breadth of Africa, could serve as a bulwark against climate change and ecological breakdown.A desert is advancing on Nigeria and its neighbors. Each year, the Sahel cuts deeper into the land, overtaking farmlands, rupturing biodiversity and breeding insecurity.
A group of 27 countries met in Paris this month to raise $9.8 billion for the Green Climate Fund, a United Nations program that routes money from wealthier countries to poorer ones to combat climate change.
Ecosystem restoration, as defined by U.N. Environment, is “a process of reversing the degradation of ecosystems, such as landscapes, lakes and oceans to regain their ecological functionality.”
Water has reappeared in a lake that had been dried up for about 300 years in the city of Dunhuang, northwest China's Gansu Province, thanks to a local water conservancy project in recent years.
We must tackle tropical deforestation if we’re to meet international climate and biodiversity goals, and to do so we must confront humankind’s hunger for the food, fuel and fiber that drives deforestation.
The deep seas are truly Earth’s last frontier, faraway worlds of alien beauty of which only an infinitesimal fraction have been explored—and it’s time to start thinking about how to restore them.
Chinese scientists have discovered the mechanism regulating the coexistence of species in subtropical forests, providing a reference for ecosystem restoration in these areas.
The world faces huge and unprecedented biodiversity and climate change challenges. One way we can help address these challenges is through the restoration of degraded land.