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Urban expansion leads to changes in the visual aesthetic quality and ecological degradation of the surrounding slope forest landscapes. Color is a crucial visual element to examine when viewing this large-scale slope forest landscape from a long distance.
The trees are not exactly imposing. Slim and spiny, with limbs that grip small poms of sharp leaves, they look like something a child might dream up. Or maybe Salvador Dalí. Even the name, Joshua tree, sounds kind of awkward.
Reviving what they call an Ottoman tradition, crews from a municipality in eastern Turkey adorn the dried branches of trees amid a harsh winter with fruit for birds who cannot find food easily during the bad weather.
The India State of Forest Report 2021 has vindicated what activists, lawyers and academicians have been saying all along - Arunachal Pradesh, which is the second largest forested state in India, is losing its primary forests and that too at a large scale every passing year.
Lowland tapir populations in the Atlantic Forest in South America are at risk of almost complete disappearance, scientists have estimated. Weighing up to 250 kg, the animal can adapt to most habitats in South America—but its populations continue to decline across its range.
Did you know an animal is lurking in the forests of Trinidad and Tobago that is so rare and strange, you may think it’s something right out of a science fiction movie?
Well-aware of her habits, the keepers always have a stash of lucerne pellets ready in their pockets to treat the baby elephant.A video clip showcasing the antics of a baby elephant is winning hearts on the internet. In the video, baby elephant Enkesha can be seen enjoying her lovely forest feast ...
Biologist Sofía Zalazar wasn’t born yet the last time a bare-faced curassow was seen in the Iberá forests in Argentina. The bird began disappearing from the wild in the 1970s, surviving only in small populations in forest areas in the provinces of Chaco and Formosa, in the northeast of the country.
Four Asian countries—the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and India—aim to restore 47.5 million hectares of degraded land by 2030. This is roughly equal to the size of Sumatra, Indonesia's third biggest island.
India's total forest and tree cover is now spread across 80.9 million hectares, which is 24.62 per cent of the geographical area of the country.
Forest department officials in this district are elated, after they recorded the movement of Indian Muntjac, also known as barking deer in the jungles of this district. The recorded sighting assumes significance as last time these deers were recorded was a quarter century ago.
Africa’s forests are a significant component of the “lungs of the world”, but what does their future look like, especially in the face of increasing agricultural expansion — the primary driver of deforestation?
Weighing 80-100kg and sporting long straight horns, white spots on its face and large facial scent glands, the saola does not sound like an animal that would be hard to spot
Madagascar — Requiring a turbulent two-hour car ride followed by a two-hour walk across paddy fields and mountains, access to the small group of beekeepers in the village of Dobolalina is no easy task for newcomers. Their apiculture project isn’t for the faint-hearted, either.
I meet Bob Leverett in a small gravel parking lot at the end of a quiet residential road in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. We are at the Ice Glen trailhead, half a mile from a Mobil station, and Leverett, along with his wife, Monica Jakuc Leverett, is going to show me one of New England’s rare pock ...
I’m no slouch, but I’m struggling to keep up with Jeremy Dagley as he opens a gate off the A104, the main road through Epping Forest, and bounds into the woods.
Between rising deforestation in the Amazon, new financial and political commitments to reduce deforestation, and growing interest in “nature-based solutions” like conservation and reforestation, 2021 may prove to be a fateful year for the world’s tropical rainforests. Take a look at The year in ...
Governmental actions have fueled skepticism about Brazil’s real commitment to its climate goals and pledges the country embraced at the COP26 U.N. climate summit.
Indonesia — The UN Development Programme (UNDP) is working with local communities in Indonesia’s Kalimantan forests to protect biodiversity and generate sustainable livelihoods.
Better documentation of the flora and fauna in the groves and traditional practices can help in conserving biodiversity in the green pockets, say experts.
The United States should immediately move to create a collection of strategic forest reserves in the Western U.S. to fight climate change and safeguard biodiversity, according to a scientific collaboration led by an Oregon State University ecologist.
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Jari Leppä has raised eyebrows among researchers and conservationists by estimating that forest types will adapt and relocate as forests are felled in Finland.
The Leipzig floodplain forest was not equipped to endure two consecutive hotter drought years. Although the trees were able to partially cope with the 2018 drought, the accumulated and ongoing damage from drought stress caused their growth to collapse in the second drought year 2019.
Three-year package will include a national forest, increased biodiversity and active travel.
Oliver Griffith explains how a Wildlife Works Carbon forest conservation project is helping to both protect the environment while also sustaining local livelihoods in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Amid the bleakness of 2020, scientists in Brazil concluded a particularly grim conservation study - attempting to count the animals killed by huge wildfires in the Pantanal wetlands.
Several European supermarket chains are dropping Brazilian beef products linked to destruction of the Amazon rainforest and tropical wetland, the US activist group Mighty Earth said Thursday.
Plan ramps up to 300 million trees in the ground annually by 2027, the government says
Well before world leaders headed to Glasgow for November’s COP26, the Scottish Government, along with the rest of the UK, had already committed to some very ambitious tree-planting targets.
Instead of allowing the people to build houses in the forest areas, they can be leased under the leasehold policy.
Researchers call for the creation of strategic forest reserves in the western United States.
The United States should immediately move to create a collection of strategic forest reserves in the Western U.S. to fight climate change and safeguard biodiversity, according to a scientific collaboration led by an Oregon State University ecologist.
Trees are known climate change mitigators, but scientists now push their power to adapt.
Tropical forests are converted at an alarming rate through deforestation, but also have the potential to regrow naturally on abandoned lands. Studies published recently show that regrowing tropical forests recover surprisingly fast and identify the best types of trees for aiding in this action.
Emblems of biodiversity, forests have become a symbol of the constant progression of human pressures on ecosystems. New expectations are emerging within society, contributing to growing tensions between actors in the forestry sector, in particular public and private managers, and the general public.
Strict social and environmental safeguards must be followed to prevent harm to biodiversity or human rights while advancing the scope of nature-based solutions in climate mitigation, a new report says.
Under the European Green Deal, the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 commits to planting at least 3 billion additional trees in the EU by 2030.
Historically the thick green of the Amazon has been our planet’s largest carbon sink, though this tipping point has also been breached earlier this year. But a new wave of research over the last few years, including a new study published recently in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Societ ...
The State Government has signed a MoU with WWF-Malaysia to enhance inclusive conservation practices in Sabah focusing on biodiversity conservation and maintaining forest ecosystem integrity through responsible forest governance.
Study finds natural regrowth yields better results than human plantings and offers hope for climate recovery
Today, the European Commission together with the European Environment Agency (EEA), are publishing a data tool — MapMyTree — for all organisations to join the pledge of planting three billion additional trees by 2030, register and map their planted trees to count the EU target.
In just a few minutes, an enormous century-year-old tree is felled by an electric saw in the middle of a protected national park. The giant collapses, sending a shockwave through the Colombian Amazon.
Recognizing the impact of the timber trade on natural forests, governments in the Greater Mekong region have come up with laws to regulate logging and timber exports.
How the change in colour of a pixel on a screen can set off a series of events that leads to the empowerment of local communities to conserve their globally important forest.
Indonesia pledged at the recent COP26 climate summit that its greenhouse gas emissions would peak by 2030 and then start to fall. It's also said that it will end deforestation by that same date. But to reduce emissions from its transport sector, it's relying on using more biofuels - production o ...
Ambitious plans by India, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines to restore tens of millions of hectares of degraded land by 2030 could be derailed by a lack of good-quality and genetically diverse native seeds, according to a new study.
Why Trees Should Be Our Next Great Conservation Crusade
The Conservator-General, National Park Service, Dr Ibrahim Goni, said 60 per cent of Nigeria’s valuable forest estate have been lost to degradation.
Deforestation is leading to the disappearance of tropical forests at an alarming rate, although they have the ability to recover naturally in abandoned areas. An international research headed by Wageningen University scientists revealed this.
Encouraged by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and local authorities who want to see the development of agribusiness, an "agricultural mafia" is taking over the Amazon rainforest.