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CSE (www.cseindia.org) is India's leading environment NGO operating since 1980 and we research, publish, train, disseminate and play a leading role in India in spreading the environment message. We designed/developed, and are also managing the India Environmental Portal for the Government of Ind ...
During this side-event, indigenous and local community organizations from IWBN-LAC and IUCN will discuss their initiatives on capacity building for indigenous in the LAC region. They will share information on capacity building on ABS focusing on traditional knowledge and associated genetic resources
The pastoralists of India and elsewhere convert biodiversity into a wide range of valuable products. In this side-event India's Pastoralist Alliance will present, debate and discuss the plants, people, products and of course the animals that compose these amazing ecological production systems. ...
The Global Environment Outlook 5 illustrates the increasing pressure on biological diversity worldwide. The predominant threats remain habitat loss and degradation resulting from agriculture and urban development, overexploitation, pollution and invasive alien species. The OECD Environmental Out ...
Four young scientists will present innovative solutions and cross-cutting approaches to protect biodiversity. These researchers were selected from a highly competitive pool of applicants as the winners of the SustainUS Citizen Science paper competition. Citizen Science is SustainUS's initiative ...
Climate change is one of the most important global environmental Issues impacting natural ecosystems and socioeconomic systems. For instance, climate change affects forest ecosystems primarily in three ways: firstly, forest ecosystems through land use change contribute about 20% of the global C0 ...
The event will look at the impact of depletion of biodiversity as one result of climate change, which is ultimately causing hazards/disaster situations, grossly affecting the Dalits who live in vicarious settlements, and subjected to caste based discrimination in disasters. It also would cover a ...
This event will discuss the linkage between climate change, agriculture biodiversity and food security. The major focus of the discussion will be how climate change has been affecting agriculture biodiversity and hence food security. It will seek answers to some pressing questions such as: Are t ...
Coastal environment plays a vital role in India’s economy by virtue of the resources, productive habitats and rich biodiversity. India’s coastline stretches about 8000 km and supports almost 30% of its human population. In the past decade, the degradation of the Indian coastline has reached al ...
Foundation for Ecological Security (FES) in collaboration with Dakshin Foundation propose to present findings and lessons from position papers authored by experts on themes like coastal developments, coastal governance, mariculture, ecological concerns with invasive alien species, marine and coa ...
Present and discuss on-going and proposed actions to achieve forest-related Aichi Targets, particularly Target 5, Target 7, Target 11 and Target 15.
A presentation by the CIC and a discussion with attendees on the potential themes to be included in a future Collaborative Partnership on Wildlife Conservation. For further details on the topic see additional information.
Students from all over the country would be representing one country each they learn about Biodiversity conservation, access, benefit and sharing.
Students will be encouraged to learn about country positions on various issues of biodiversity. College UN offers a platform to the students to get a first hand prospective of UN functioning as well as learning more about access and benefit sharing.
2012 marks the 10th anniversary of the launch of Brazil’s Amazon Region Protected Area (ARPA) initiative. The event will highlight the award-winning track record of the ARPA programme for improved biodiversity conservation and protected area management, and the contribution to reduced carbon em ...
The German federal government is committed to providing suitable financing to reach the goals of the Strategic Plan 2011 - 2020 of the CBD to preserve biodiversity and ecosystems and to support sustainable development in partner countries. In 2008 German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced in 200 ...
The event examines the possibility of measuring community wellbeing as a measure of progress integrating contextual concerns (relating to development and resource availabilities) and global objectives.The event will highlight methodological approaches to capture community wellbeing within socio- ...
The Nagoya Protocol requires countries to support the development of community protocols for ABS by indigenous and local communities. This event will launch a new IIED publication: Biodiversity and culture: Exploring community protocols, rights and consent, published in association with Natural ...
The side event will give an overview of Namibia's Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) Programme and how the devolution of legal rights over elements of biodiversity and the provision of technical support has empowered communities to conserve and sustainably utilize their natural ...
In partnership with the Government of Ecuador and with the participation of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), nations with islands and island nations (specific countries to be determined) and the Global Island Partnership (GLISPA), Island Conservation will describe how to prevent species ex ...
Worldwide, specific agricultural systems and landscapes have been created, shaped and maintained by generations of farmers and herders based on diverse natural resources, using locally adapted management practices. Building on local knowledge and experience, these ingenious agri-cultural systems ...
Markets are increasingly used to generate additional funds for biodiversity protection. This session will generate interest from the private sector by showing the advantages and risks of investing in these markets and the benefits it brings for biodiversity. It will focus on biodiversity offsets ...
The event includes presentations from various organizations on conservation initiatives taken by various organizations called Saving Asia's Vultures from Extinction (SAVE). Critically Endangered Gyps vultures have suffered a 99 per cent decline in Asia over the last 20 years, attributed to th ...
Discussion of the recommendations from the recent IUCN-UNCCD-UNEP/WCMC publication "Conserving Dryland Biodiversity". Dryland Biodiversity is globally and locally valued, but some dryland subtypes are poorly represented in terms of protected area coverage. However, indigenous and local communiti ...
The sacred sites and the associated traditional knowledge may become indispensable when the communities try to find sustainable solutions for adapting to climate change. One of the most important stakeholder group in this process is the youth, who will witness the results of the present efforts. ...
The event would highlight the significance of connecting deeply with nature and offer a tool. There will be a presentation on scientific aspects and a practice session on the technique of Contemplation of Nature. It will be followed by a discussion and beginning of a formation of network for peo ...
This side event aims to further the discussions on the role of the private sector in biodiversity conservation from CoP 10 to CoP 11. It will bring together Japanese corporations with Indian and international corporations to share the experiences. Presentations will include those from leading In ...
UNEP/DRC has held a series of discussions with the CBD Secretariat to explore opportunities for developing synergies between CBD and UNEP in South-South Cooperation at strategic and operational levels. Linking centers of excellence and UNEP’s South-South Cooperation Exchange Mechanism was ident ...
The State of Arunachal Pradesh belongs to North Eastern part of India and the Himalayan region. Its biodiversity of plants and animals is acknowledged for its great richness, Arunachal Pradesh being one of the world's 35 biodiversity hotspots. The State particular interest also lies in its popul ...
Submissions Provided by Parties in Accordance with Recommendation 2/8 of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol for the Consideration of the Eleventh Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (<a href='http://www.cbd.int/cop11/abs/submiss ...
Use of Cameras and Audio/Video Recording Devices by Participants at Meetings of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Guidelines for the Participation of Representatives of Observer Organizations at Meetings of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Subsidiary Bodies
Information Note for Participants (Updated on 13 September 2012)
With representatives of the UN entities of the EMG, the event will inform stakeholders and Parties to the CBD on the UN system response to the implementation of the Strategic Plan and Aichi Targets and the future steps.
Recognizing the crucial need for improving marine habitats protection, the CBD approved at its COP4 the Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Programmes of Work, adopting the ecosystem approach as key for its implementation and recognizing the implication of the water cycle in sediment levels and ecos ...
Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas
Part I: Presentation by the Governor of Aichi Prefecture Part II: Panel Discussion by representatives from various regions about achieving the ‘Aichi Targets’ and the possibilities and challenges for sub-national governments concerning biodiversity
The side event presents the successful project “Cotton Connect”, an initiative engaged in ecosystem restoration without GMO and pesticides offering organic cotton and supporting the Better Cotton Initiative, in cooperation with the world´s leading organic cotton clothing retailer C&A and its Ger ...
The event will present the findings of the report published by Sustainlabour in collaboration with Fundación Biodiversidad on the links between ecosystems and biodiversity, economy and employment. Loss of biodiversity is causing the decline of ecosystem services, whose impact is not only social ...
The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD, 2005-2014) engages people through innovative ways of learning about biodiversity by focusing on education and training to address the interlinking issues of ecosystems and livelihoods, the interactions of nature with culture, society ...
The discussion will focus on effectiveness of national regulations and bills related to Bio-safety, Bio-diversity and Agriculture etc. in ensuring food security, livelihood returns to farmers, conservation of agricultural bio-diversity, human health and other issues.
The event includes presentations from Awaaz Foundation, Bombay Natural History Society and various organizations on the effects of sand mining on biodiversity in various parts of the world. Sand is a necessary component to fuel the construction boom and rapid pace of urbanization in many parts o ...
In order for business to manage their impacts on biodiversity and to contribute more broadly to the biodiversity conservation agenda, governments need to create enabling conditions that allow market forces to be harnessed for conservation. In some instances this will require governments to make ...
This side event seeks to exchange valuable experiences regarding threatened wetlands and the use of environmental strategic tools (territorial planning, environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, public participation and litigation) as a means of preventing or putting a ...
Increasing understanding and willingness of young people to act for biodiversity contributes to the first Aichi Biodiversity Target: “By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably”. The aim of this event is t ...
The event will provide an in-depth look at how business and institutions are collaborating to enhance global value chains for biodiversity-based products through development of a series of methodologies and tools aimed at fostering engagement of actors along the value chain and sustainable use o ...
The UNEP/CMS and the UNEP/AEWA Secretariats would like to share their experience and progress related to the ORS which was developed by UNEP-WCMC in collaboration and under the guidance of the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat. The ORS has proved to be crucial in streamlining the national reporting process ...
Protected areas serve many purposes but, at their core, they must protect biodiversity. The global community has set aside 13% of lands and 1% of seas in protected areas and the Aichi targets commit to increasing that significantly by 2020. There is a growing literature that indicates protected ...
After 6 years of intensive and politically fraught negotiations, the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP10) finally adopted the Aichi Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing. The Protocol is considered to be a milestone regarding the recognitio ...
It is proposed to organise a series of exhibitions for showcasing linkages between various Indian Festivals and biodiversity as a part of socio-cultural traditions in India and their role in biodiversity conservationin. The Nodal point for these exhibition will be DIG, Forest Policy of the Minis ...