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Evidence and recommendations regarding the role of biodiversity in the post 2015 process related to Sustainable Devleopment Goals and the implementation of them will be discussed in this side event. A sharper focus on integrating biodiversity is essential in the post-2015 goal-setting and implem ...
A Seminar for citizens about the Green Living and the opportunity and advantage of high population countries. Energy conservation, how nature helps students to improve health and studies, use and throw attitude, mobile phone smart ways to avoid raadiation etc would be discussed.
The purpose of this event will be to raise awareness of some of the globe’s most threatened species through the Seven Wonders of Conservation campaign. Presentations will include national governments sharing their succesful experiences combating species extinctions through the protection of the ...
screening of short films on India biodiversity [up to 5 min duration] related to Biodiversity issues specific to India followed by Q&A creating eco-awareness among new generations - challenges. Films include: Raja of River Marmeda; SOS - Past wisdom, Present folly; Jewel of Eastern Ghats; A ca ...
The purpose of our organization is mainly to improve the entrepreneurial skill of youths in the Southern Nation Nationality People Regional. Our participation on SBSTTA-16 would enhance creativity on improvement of usage of technology in our country.
Presentation and panel discussion on the successes and challenges in terms of Rhino Conservation
At COP10 Pavan Sukhdev, Study Leader for the study into The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity will present final key findings and recommendations from across the TEEB reports. The study is global and reach and brings together and communicates the best available scientific and economic ana ...
A side event to present The Green Wave its achievements and various activities and chart its future.
The International Youth Forum Go4BioDiv, held in parallel to COP10, brings together young people from the most precious natural sites our planet has to offer. The participants come from more than twenty natural World Heritage sites in i.e. Mexico, Peru, Congo, Cameroon, Mauritania, Vietnam, Chin ...
The MIDORI Prize for Biodiversity is a biennial international prize co-organized by the AEON Environmental Foundation and the Secretariat of CBD to honour individuals who have made outstanding contributions for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. At this event, winners of the 2 ...
Designed to be a platform to think the future, the Museum of Tomorrow will be inaugurated in the city of Rio de Janeiro in 2012. The narrative of the Museum explores two ethical axes: sustainability and solidarity. In the area of sustainability, it aims to discuss “How will we live?” And in the ...
Since the earliest of days, there has been an awareness of a deep connection between the living system of human thought and the living system of the natural world. Over time however, the awareness of this connection has become critically fragile. We will discuss ways of restoring and strengtheni ...
The Montreal’s Biodôme, Insectarium, Botanical Garden and Planetarium are launching a daring, creative urban movement, urging everyone to rethink the bonds between humankind and nature. The Montreal Space for Life is also a place where people come together to create, cultivate a new way of livin ...
Reactive nitrogen is needed to feed the world, but pollutes the world’s air, land and water, threatening biodiversity and contributing to climate change. With projected increases in human population and standard of living, this makes for a major global challenge to produce more food and energy, ...
Symposium will be held on MAB activities in Japan and the world linked with ESD to highlight the relationship with “sustainable use of ecosystem services”, in collaboration with the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) and the Japanese Ministry of the En ...
Universities and Scientific community are having both the expert knowledge and technical capacity to develop, and promote, effective actions for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. They are the platforms for dissemination of knowledge towards implementation of policy directives ...
Presentations by FEJI, Panos South Asia, National Biodiversity Authority on the need for following biodiversity issues in India; guides on how to do so; answering questions by the media on biodiversity issues. A chance for COP11 panelists to interact directly with the media.
Over last 40 Years, since the adoption of UNESCO's Convention of World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 962 properties have been inscribed as the World Heritage of which 188 are inscribed as Would Natural Heritage. First ever serial nomination of 39 sites in India in the the Western Ghats - consi ...
World Wide Views on Biodiversity was the first-ever global citizen consultation on Biodiversity. 3,000 citizens from 25 countries, chosen to reflect the demographic diversity in their country/region, participated in day-long meetings at 34 sites around the world on September 15, 2012. They delib ...
A side event to launch the youth quick guide to biodiversity and the biodiversity challenge badge (major learning materials to be disseminated through The Green wave and the WAGGGS network).
Every day, organizations for youth and children around the world engage and take concrete action for biodiversity. The meeting of the Conference of the Parties is a unique occasion for them to demonstrate they are taking their planet and their future seriously. This event provides opportunity to ...