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Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/71620 (2010-091)
To: CBD/CPB National Focal Points
The report is available on the website of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the following link: http://www.cbd.int/doc/quarterly/qr-48-en.pdf.
26 - 28 April 2010, Austin, United States of America
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/tk/71542 (2010-078)
To: CBD National Focal Points
Reference: SCBD/ITS/DC/LC/GT/71513 (2010-079)
To: CBD National Focal Points of the following countries:
Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Gabon, Gambia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Lao DPR, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe.
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/71443 (2010-069)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety National Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points, Relevant organizations and partners
The Secretariat is pleased to announce that the March 2010 issue of the Monthly Bulletin of Activities (MBA) of the Convention on Biological Diversity is now available on the CBD website at: http://www.cbd.int/doc/mba/2010/mba-2010-03-en.pdf.
Manama, Bahrain, 12 April 2010-At the World Summit on Sustainable Development, world leaders agreed to substantially reduce the rate of loss of biodiversity by 2010. The 193 Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity decided to submit before March 2009 a national report on the implementat ...
Reference: SCBD/ITS/OMG/NP/71392 (2010-057)
To: CBD National Focal Points
I am pleased to inform you that the Ministry of Environment of Japan, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Aichi Prefecture will, in continuing with the tradition of promoting youth involvement in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), co-host the International Youth Conferen ...
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/71115 (2010-052)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety National Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points,
Relevant organizations and partners
The Secretariat is pleased to announce that the February 2010 issue of the Monthly Bulletin of Activities (MBA) of the Convention on Biological Diversity is now available on the Secretariat website at: http://www.cbd.int/doc/mba/2010/mba-2010-02-en.pdf.
Montreal, 1 March 2010. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed the Japanese female singer and songwriter, MISIA, as the Honorary Ambassador for the forthcoming tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, which will be held from 1 ...
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/ar/70474 (2010-036)
To: all CBD National Focal Points and Relevant Organizations
As you are aware the Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity to be held from 18 – 29 October 2010 respectively will take place in Nagoya, Japan. The Secretariat is pleased to announce that the online registration for the above mentioned meetings i ...
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/70722 (2010-031)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety National Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points
Relevant organizations and partners,
The Secretariat is pleased to announce that the January 2010 issue of the Monthly Bulletin of Activities (MBA) of the Convention on Biological Diversity is now available on the Secretariat website at: http://www.cbd.int/doc/mba/2010/mba-2010-01-en.pdf.
Montreal, 2 February 2010 – Addressing the 500 participants attending the sixth Trondheim Conference on Biodiversity, Erik Solheim, Minister of the Environment and International Development of Norway, stated that: “I have heard that many countries have provided gifts to the Museum, and now it is ...
1 - 5 February 2010, Trondheim, Norway
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/70460 (2010-017)
To: CBD/CPB National Focal Points
It is my pleasure to inform you that the 47th issue of the Quarterly Report of the Convention, covering the period 1 October to 31 December 2009, has been prepared in accordance with Decision IV/17 of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. The report contains a ...
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/ar/70358 (2010-009)
To: All Focal Points of the CBD
It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the electronic version of the publication “Convention on Biological Diversity: Year in Review 2009” is now available on the Convention’s website at: http://www.cbd.int/doc/reports/cbd-report-2009-en.pdf
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/ar/70359 (2010-010)
To: All Focal Points of the CBD
It gives me great pleasure to inform you that a special issue of the flagship magazine devoted to the 2010 International Year of Biodiversity is now available on the Convention’s website at: http://www.cbd.int/doc/newsletters/gincana/cbd-gincana-07-en.pdf
Reference: SCBD/OES/AD/70205 (2010-006)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety National Focal Points, SBSTTA National Focal Points, Relevant organizations and partners
The Secretariat is pleased to announce that the December 2009 issue of the Monthly Bulletin of Activities (MBA) of the Convention on Biological Diversity is now available on the Secretariat website at: http://www.cbd.int/doc/mba/2009/mba-2009-12-en.pdf.