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30 March - 1 April 2011, Montreal, Canada
12 - 13 March 2009, San José, Costa Rica
Reference: SCBD/CPU/DC/WM/ZJ/AB/90264 (2022-023)
To: Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where Cartagena Protocol Focal Points have not yet been designated), BCH Focal Points, relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/CPU/DC/PD/PS/87987 (2019-031)
To: Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB focal points have not yet been designated), indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations
Reference: SCBD/BS/CG/KG/jh/74729 (2011-016)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB focal points have not yet been designated), Relevant Organizations
At its fifth meeting, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (COP-MOP) adopted decision BS-V/3 on Status of Capacity-Building Activities. Section IV of the decision concerns cooperation on identification of capacity-building nee ...
Reference: SCBD/ BS/WDY/ps/81257 (2013-008)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB focal points have not yet been designated), Relevant Organizations
Reference: SCBD/BS/CG/ps/84239 (2015-007)
To: Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB) National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB Focal Points have not yet been designated), Relevant organizations, Indigenous and local communities
Montreal, 6 August 2010 – Somalia deposited its instrument of accession to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety on 26 July 2010 and will become the 160th Party to Protocol on 24 October 2010. The accession comes at a time when the world community is celebrating the International Year of Biodiver ...
7 - 11 November 2022, Manila, Philippines
Montreal, 25 July 2011 –On 21 July 2011, Spain became the 40th Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity to sign the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) ...
Reference: SCBD/OES/DC/JMF/89063 (2020-058)
To: CBD National Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations
cc: Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, ABS Focal Points
In this great megabiodiverse country, home to more than 89,000 animal species and some 47,000 plant species, including some 15,000 medicinal plants, it is pertinent to be addressing you on one of the key and most challenging issues facing the world community today—biosafety, which encompasses me ...
Speaking at the opening plenary to COP MOP-1, Executive Secretary Zedan outlined the tasks ahead and encouraged all to "stay alert to emerging issues and further develop the programme of work to reflect the ever-evolving reality and state of the art knowledge in the field of biosafety."