> | KB | > | Results |
Organization of Work: Adoption of the Agenda
Interoperability Isssues
Summary Outcomes of the Meeting of the Biosafety Clearing-House Informal Advisory Committee
Recommendations of the Biosafety Clearing-House Regional Advisors for the Central Portal: Experiences of One Year as Regional Advisors
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Summary Outcomes of the Third Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee of the Biosafety Clearing-House
Provisional Agenda
Summary Outcomes of the Fourth Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee of the Biosafety Clearing-House
Provisional Agenda
Summary Outcomes of the Fifth Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee of the Biosafety Clearing-House
Summary Outcomes of the Sixth Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee of the Biosafety Clearing-House
Summary Outcomes of the Eighth Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee of the Biosafety Clearing-House
Summary Outcomes of the Ninth Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Biosafety Clearing-House
Report of the Workshop
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Development of Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the Compliance Committee under the Biosafety Protocol
Draft Work Plan for the Compliance Committee under the Biosafety Protocol
Report of the Compliance Committee on the Work of its First Meeting
Status Report on the Submission of Second National Reports
Synthesis of Submissions from Parties Regarding Obligation to Take Legal, Administrative and Other Measures Necessary for the Implementation of the Protocol
Review of General Issues of Compliance: Report on follow up activities
Report of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety on the Work of Its Tenth Meeting
Review of the Outcomes of the Sixth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties Serving As the Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety As They Relate to the Work of the Compliance Committee
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Report of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety on the Work of Its Eleventh Meeting
Review of Compliance on the Basis of Information in the Biosafety Clearing-House
Providing Input to the Third Assessment and Review of the Protocol and the Mid-Term Evaluation of the Strategic Plan for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety for the Period 2011-2020
Review of Compliance with the Obligation to Submit National Reports and Whether the Information in the Reports Is Complete
Review of General Issues of Compliance Based on the Analysis of Information Contained in the Third National Reports
Suggested Clarifications on What Constitutes Unintentional Transboundary Movements in Contrast with Illegal Transboundary Movements
Report of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety on the Work of Its Thirteenth Meeting
Review of the Assistance Provided by the Compliance Committee to Parties in Its Work to Date
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Review of General Issues of Compliance: Analysis of interim national reports and information in the Biosafety Clearing House
Note to Members of the Compliance Committee Under the Cartagena Protocol
Monitoring and Reporting Under the Protocol (Article 33): Analysis of information contained in the interim national reports
Operation and Activities of the Biosafety Clearing-House
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Information and Experience Regarding Repeated Cases of Non Compliance under the Compliance Mechanisms of Other Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Report of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety on the Work of its Third Meeting
The Compliance Committee Decides to Conduct its Third Meeting in an Open Session
Provisional Agenda
Annotations to the Provisional Agenda
Further Information and Experience Regarding Repeated Cases of Non Compliance under the Compliance Mechanisms of Other Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Preliminary Suggestions and Information for Consideration in Relation to Items 4, 6 and 7 of the Provisional Agenda