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  • Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing (1650)



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1650 Results
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Result 151 to 200


Capacity-building workshop on the Access and Benefit-Sharing Clearing-House

12 - 13 October 2014, Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea

Action by

Capacity-building workshop on the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House, Pyeongchang, Republic of Korea – 23 February 2014

Reference: SCBD/ABS/SBG/BG/jh/83000 (2013-118)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ICNP Focal Points, indigenous and local community organizations, international organizations, and relevant stakeholders

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Side Event

Clarifying the impact of the Nagoya Protocol on the top innovation processes related to botanical extracts and natural ingredients

Initial results of a study to determine which innovation processes related to botanical extracts and ingredients fall within the scope of the Nagoya Protocol and assess the potential impact on current business models and their effect on delivering the conservation and livelihood goals of the Pr ...

Action by

Closing date for signature of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing

Reference: SCBD/ABS/VN/Sg/78678 (2012-008)
To: CBD Focal Points and ICNP Focal Points

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Co-Chairs Informal Interregional Consultations (CIIC) and Ninth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-Sharing: Co-Chairs' Guidance Note

Reference: SCBD/SEL/OJ/SGa/71094 (2010-049)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points, international organizations, indigenous and local community organizations and stakeholders

With reference to the Co-Chairs Informal Interregional Consultations (CIIC) and to the ninth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (WGABS-9), the Secretariat is pleased to circulate the attached document entitled "Co-Chairs' Guidance Note".

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Action by

Co-Chairs Informal Meeting on Capacity Development for Access and Benefit-sharing 22 January 2008, Geneva, Switzerland

Reference: SCBD/SEL/VN/GD/61422 (2007-167)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points

I am pleased to inform you that, at the occasion of the sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing, the Co-chairs of the Working Group are convening an informal meeting on capacity development for access and benefit-sharing. The meeting will be held on Tu ...

pdf English 

Co-Chairs Open-ended Informal Consultation

21 - 22 March 2010, Cali, Colombia

Side Event

Codes of Conduct, Best Practices and Standards: Modalities for evaluation and recognition using the examples of the; ABS Management Tool, Culture Collection Standard and the International Barcode of Life

This event will build on the 2013 Tokyo Informal meeting on the implementation of Protocol Articles 19 & 20 and explore possible methodologies for the evaluation and recognition Guidelines, Codes of Conduct and best practices using three practical examples.

Press Release

Collaborating to build capacity for two new treaties on genetic resources

Montreal, 6 June 2011. Over the past weekend, on 4 and 5 June, the secretariats of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture collaborated to deliver a two-day capacity-building workshop that will help Government ...

Side Event
COP 10

Common pools of genetic resources: A solution for effective and fair ABS?

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has widely been understood as arranging access to genetic resources and benefit sharing in the form of bilateral exchanges between providers and users. This arrangement has often proved to lack efficiency and distributional justice. Based on a reading ...

Side Event
COP 11

Community-Based Natural Resources Management in Namibia and the role and potential of equitable access and benefit sharing

The side event will give an overview of Namibia's Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) Programme and how the devolution of legal rights over elements of biodiversity and the provision of technical support has empowered communities to conserve and sustainably utilize their natural ...

Press Release

Comoros, Mongolia and the Syrian Arab Republic ratify Nagoya Protocol

Montreal, 6 June 2013 – Comoros, Mongolia and the Syrian Arab Republic became the most recent countries to ratify the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity.


Compendium of Side Event

Reference: SCBD/OMG/DA/DN/fd/55064 (2006-058)
To: CBD National Focal Points

I have the pleasure to inform you that the compilation of side events held during the Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-sessional Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions and the Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing, held in ...

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Composition of Expert Meeting on cooperative procedures and institutional mechanisms to promote compliance with the Protocol and to address cases of non-compliance, Montreal, Canada, 28 February -1 March 2012

Reference: SCBD/ABS/VN/AS /78523 (2012-003)
To: CBD Focal Points, ICNP Focal Points, International Organizations, indigenous and local community organizations and relevant stakeholders

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Composition of Expert Meeting on the Modalities of Operation of the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House, Montreal, Canada, 11-14 April 2011

Reference: SCBD/ABS/VN/SG/75308 (2011-055)
To: CBD Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, ICNP Focal Points, International organizations, indigenous and local community organizations and relevant stakeholders

In accordance with Decision X/1, paragraph 12 and Annex II, the Open-ended Ad-hoc Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing will consider the modalities of operation of the ABS Clearing-House, including reports on its activities, at its first meeting, from ...

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Composition of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources

Reference: SCBD/SPS/DC/VN/KG/NH/86630 (2017-109)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, international organizations, relevant stakeholders

pdf English 

Composition of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources

Reference: SCBD/NPU/DC/WY/AC/87803 (2019-096)
To: CBD National Focal Points, ABS National Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities, international organizations, relevant stakeholders

pdf English 

Composition of the Expert Meeting on Article 10 of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing

Reference: SCBD/ABS/VN/KG/jh/85065 (2015-145)
To: ABS National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where ABS focal points have not yet been designated), Indigenous and Local Communities and relevant organizations

pdf English 

Composition of the Expert Meeting to Develop a Draft Strategic Framework for Capacity-building and Development in Support of the Effective Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol, 3 – 5 June 2013, Montreal, Canada

Reference: SCBD/ABS/SBG/ET/jh/81201 (2013-024)
To: CBD Focal Points, ICNP Focal Points, relevant organizations, indigenous and local communities and relevant stakeholders

pdf English 

Composition of the Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity-building for the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol

Reference: SCBD/SPS/DC/VN/RKi/86870 (2018-018)
To: ABS National Focal Points (or CBD National Focal Points where ABS Focal Points have not yet been designated), indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations

pdf English 

Composition of the Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity-building for the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol

Reference: SCBD/NPU/DC/VN/KT/RKi/87802 (2019-057)
To: ABS National Focal Points (or CBD National Focal Points where ABS Focal Points have not yet been designated), indigenous peoples and local communities

pdf English 

Composition of the Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity-building for the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol

Reference: SCBD/NPU/DC/TS/KT/RKi/90801 (2023-042)
To: ABS National Focal Points (or CBD National Focal Points where ABS Focal Points have not yet been designated), indigenous peoples and local communities, and relevant organizations

pdf English 

Composition of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Access and Benefit sharing Clearing-House

Reference: SCBD/ABS/VN/BG/jh/84003 (2015-035)
To: ABS National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where ABS focal points have not yet been designated)

pdf English 

Composition of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Access and Benefit sharing Clearing-House

Reference: SCBD/ABS/VN/BG/jh/84003 (2016-045)
To: ABS National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where ABS focal points have not yet been designated)

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Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 151 to 200
Results for: ("Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme