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Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/56663 (2007-032)
To: International organizations and stakeholders
The purpose of this notification is to invite relevant international organizations and stakeholders to contribute to the preparatory process for the in-depth review of the work on incentive measures. The in-depth review will be undertaken by the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.
English Spanish
Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/56662 (2007-033)
To: CBD National Focal Points
The purpose of this notification is to invite Parties and Governments to contribute to the preparatory process for the in-depth review of the work on incentive measures. The in-depth review will be undertaken by the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.
English Spanish25 - 26 October 2006, New York, United States of America
25 - 26 October 2006, New York, United States of America
29 - 30 August 2006, Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
22 - 24 May 2006, Barbados
5 - 7 April 2006, Zagreb, Croatia
30 November - 1 December 2005, Montreal, Canada
Incentive measures: application of tools for valuation of biodiversity and biodiversity resources and functions
Incentive measures
Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/47896f (2005-116)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Relevant International Organizations
The purpose of this Notification is to inform that the communications received by the Executive Secretary from Parties and international organizations on the development of definitions in the context of ongoing work on the removal or mitigation of perverse incentives are posted on the website at ...
English26 - 27 October 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
13 - 14 October 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
12 October 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
9 - 10 October 2005, Jiushzi, China
29 July 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
27 July 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
7 - 8 July 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
5 - 6 July 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
3 - 10 July 2005, Umea, Sweden
23 - 25 June 2005, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
15 - 18 June 2005, Washington, United States of America
Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/47681 (2005-066)
To: CBD National Focal Points and relevant organizations
The Secretariat has prepared the attached documents that provide the requested analysis as well as the proposals on the application of tools for valuation of biodiversity and biodiversity resources and functions. The documents are now open for peer review. The purpose of the peer review process ...
English26 - 27 May 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/49115 (2005-063)
To: CBD National Focal Points;
Relevant organizations
Pursuant to paragraph 18 of decision VII/18, the Secretariat has prepared the attached documents that provide the requested analysis as well as proposals on the application of such positive incentive measures and their integration into relevant policies, programmes or strategies. The documents a ...
English11 April 2005, Geneva, Switzerland
6 - 8 April 2005, Montreal, Canada
Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/47896 (2005-028)
To: CBD National Focal Points
The purpose of this notification is, further to notifications <a href="/doc/notifications/2004/ntf-2004-038-im-en.pdf">2004-038</a> of 6 May 2004 and <a href="/doc/notifications/2004/ntf-2004-076-cbd-en.pdf">2004-076</a> of 23 September 2004, to invite Parties to contribute to the work on incent ...
Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/47896 (2005-029)
To: Relevant International Organizations
The purpose of this notification is, further to notifications <a href="/doc/notifications/2004/ntf-2004-051-inc-en.pdf">2004-051</a> of 11 June 2004 and <a href="/doc/notifications/2004/ntf-2004-077-cbd-en.pdf">2004-077</a> of 23 September 2004, to invite relevant international organizations to ...
Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/47895 (2005-025)
To: CBD National Focal Points
The purpose of this notification is to reiterate invitation to Parties, further to notifications <a href='/doc/notifications/2004/ntf-2004-038-im-en.pdf'>2004-038</a> and <a href='/doc/notifications/2004/ntf-2004-076-cbd-en.pdf'>2004-076</a>, to take specific action in the implementation of dec ...
Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/47895 (2005-026)
To: Relevant international organizations
The purpose of this notification is to reiterate invitation to relevant international organizations, further to notifications <a href='/doc/notifications/2004/ntf-2004-051-inc-en.pdf'>2004-051</a> and <a href='/doc/notifications/2004/ntf-2004-077-cbd-en.pdf'>2004-077</a>, to take specific actio ...
EnglishIncentive measures: further refinement and consideration of the proposals for the application of ways and means to remove or mitigate perverse incentives
26 - 30 January 2005, Davos, Switzerland
16 December 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
13 - 14 December 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
13 - 18 December 2004, Hong Kong, China
8 - 10 December 2004, Newcastle, Australia
2 - 3 December 2004, Paris, France
Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/45455f (2004-103)
To: CBD National Focal Points
The purpose of this notification is to inform Parties on recent publications that may provide useful assistance in the implementation of Article 11 of the Convention on Biological diversity, on incentive measures.
English30 November - 2 December 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
18 November 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
16 November 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
20 - 21 October 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
14 October 2004, Geneva, Switzerland
Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/43069 (2004-076)
To: CBD National Focal Points
The purpose of this notification is to invite Parties to take specific action to assist the Secretariat in the preparation of documentation for meetings and in the dissemination of information in view of the implementation of <a href='/decisions/default.aspx?dec=VII/18'>decision VII/18</a> of th ...
Reference: SCBD/SEL/ML/GD/43980 (2004-077)
To: Relevant international organizations
The purpose of this notification is to invite international organizations to take specific action to assist the Secretariat in the preparation of documentation for meetings and in the dissemination of information with regard to the implementation of <a href='/decisions/default.aspx?dec=VII/18'>d ...