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Side Event
COP 11

Preventing biopiracy - Options for National ABS Systems

The Nagoya Protocol brought several new concepts and approaches into the international ABS debate: the type of intended utilization will decide about the applicability of the Protocol's rules, new obligations with regard to the rights of ILC to determine about access to and utilisation of their ...

Side Event
COP 11

Progrès réalisés par les pays de l'espace COMIFAC dans la mise en oeuvre de la Convention sur la diversité biologique

Cette session parallèle est organisée par la Commission des Forêts d'Afrique Centrale (COMIFAC) avec l'appui de l'Agence Japonaise de Coopération Internationale (JICA) et la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), pour partager les expériences des pays membres de la COMIFA ...

Side Event
COP 11

Promoting diversity and ecosystem services in socio-ecological production landscapes

In this workshop the speakers from different parts of the world will share their experiences on promoting biodiversity and ecosystem services while enhancing local livelihood in socio-ecological production landscapes. The presentations will be followed by a discussion related to landscape govern ...

Side Event
COP 11

Promotion of taxonomic capacity building in East and Southeast Asia under ESABII programmes

ESABII (East and Southeast Asia Biodiversity Information Initiative) was established by 14 countries in East and Southeast Asia with the objective of contributing to CBD, especially GTI. The side event will present the activities of ESABII towards the enhancement of taxonomic capacity in the region.

Side Event
COP 11

Prospects and challenges of forest based livelihoods for tribal and local communities in India

For centuries forests and livelihoods of tribal and local communities in the Indian sub-continent have been deeply intertwined. Sustainable exploitation of forests have been the hallmark of past generation of these communities leading to conservation of rich biodiversity in these regions. Howeve ...

Side Event
COP 11

Protecting Mountain Biodiversity: activities and achievments of the Mountain Partnership members

Several of the about 200 members of the Mountain Partnership (Governments, IGOs and NGOs) are involved in protecting mountain biodiversity. 10 years after the launch of this Alliance and the International Year of Mountains 2002, we need to take stock of the main achievements and identify the cha ...

Side Event
COP 11

Protecting biodiversity in the North-East Atlantic

Description of areas meeting EBSAs criteria in North-East Atlantic region, building upon the Hyeres workshop in response to SBSTTA 16 recommendation, including the roadmap for the future refinement and finalization of Hyeres report, and the current status of the OSPAR MPA network.

Side Event
COP 11

Protecting the Sacred and the Spiritual

The expert panel will consider current standards relevant to protecting the spiritual and cultural values of biodiversity and whether further standards are needed; The role of Faith–based Institutions in achieving the Aichi Targets and possible new efforts needed to promote environmentally frien ...

Side Event
COP 11

Protection Pioneers of the Baltic Sea – joining regional forces in marine biodiversity protection

The best inventions are often first discovered in smaller scale, pilot projects, and test rounds – locally, or regionally, instead of globally. If these are, at the same time, closely connected to Governments, science communities and the commercial sector of several countries, the chances for su ...

Side Event
COP 11

Protection of Rights of Farmers’ and communities for livelihood

PPV & FR Authority in association with the other stakeholders viz, with National Innovation Foundation, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources(NBPGR), Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources, National Seed Association of India (NSAI), New Delhi would like to organise side events on the the ...

Side Event
COP 11

Public policy encouraging effective quarry rehabilitation: promoting adoption of good practices for quarry rehabilitation and biodiversity management

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)’s Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) is joining hand with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), to present how well-managed quarry (mine) activities could bring value to the environment and community at large ...

Side Event
COP 11

RCEs and Biodiversity: Local solutions linking education and implementation

The event will highlight experiences of Regional centers of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development that have been working towards improving biodiversity through various education and development activities.

Side Event
COP 11


Whilst adopting an ecosystem approach is vital for maintaining the structural integrity of our environment, the individual species components of biodiversity can have crucial significance and possess a particular value to, and excellent resonance with, humans. Individual species are the buildin ...

Side Event
COP 11


The international research programme ‘Sustainable Land Management’ is funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research of Germany for a projected duration of five years (2011-2015). At the hand of various examples, the research projects funded by the programme develop new models, techno ...

Side Event
COP 11


The BNHS will conduct the Conservation Education Symposium which will address following themes through three seminars; • Status of Environmental Studies in academic institutions with emphasis on inquiry/project method • Role of Nature Interpretation Centres/Nature Education Centres • Leadersh ...

Side Event
COP 11

Recent OECD work on Biodiversity: Policy options for biodiversity and ecosystem services - making reform happen

The side-event will present recent OECD work on the economics and policy of biodiversity and ecosystems, including the OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050, Green Growth and Biodiversity, and Scaling-up Finance for Biodiversity.

Side Event
COP 11

Recognizing and Supporting Territories and Areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities - Global Overview & National Case Studies

Territories and areas that have been governed and managed by indigenous peoples and local communities are increasingly gaining recognition as being crucial for both the survival and wellbeing of such peoples, as for the biological diversity they contain and the ecological functions they provide. ...

Side Event
COP 11

Regional Conservation Trust Funds - insights and perspectives for the future of transnational Protected Areas finance

Regional Conservation Trust Funds have become increasingly important in delivering finance for nature conservation on a transnational scale over the past years. They offer unique opportunities concerning access to finance, efficiency gains and knowledge management for Protected Areas, particular ...

Side Event
COP 11

Regional Development Banks – Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Africa, Asia and Latin America

This event will create a platform for senior representatives of the three regional development banks for Africa, Asia and Latin America to present their perspectives on mainstreaming biodiversity in their operations and in supporting countries in their regions within the framework of the 2011-20 ...

Side Event
COP 11

Release of First Greater Hyderabad City Biodiversity Index

Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) is the local authority of Greater Hyderabad City which is the host city of CBDCoP-11. GHMC is also looking after the biological diversity elements of the city as per the provisions of the Indian Biological Diversity Act 2002 & The Andhra Pradesh B ...

Side Event
COP 11

Resource mobilization for biodiversity projects: Case of GEF Projects in India

This side event will be jointly hosted by the GEF operational focal point at the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India and the Global Environment Facility Secretariat. The side event will introduce how incremental financial resources has been mobilized in India for biodiversit ...

Side Event
COP 11

Roadlessness - the most cost efficient and effective way to protect biodiversity

Roadlessness of wilderness areas and natural ecosystems is the absense of roads, which are linked to deforestation, natural systems degradation, natural resources exploitation and biodiversity loss. Preserving an area roadless is one of the best ways to safeguard ecosystems services and biodiversity

Side Event
COP 11

Role, Rights & Responsibilities of Local communities on their biodiversity conservation, promotion, sustainable utilization

We, Society for Management of Biodiversity (SYMBIO) promotes the Objectives of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), with an aim of “Sustaining life on earth” by integrating Biodiversity into Community activities, Government policies and Business strategies. SYMBIO works f ...

Side Event
COP 11

SCALING UP BIODIVERSITY FINANCE: Summary from a Dialogue Seminar held in Quito, Ecuador 6-9 March 2012

The issue of financing for biodiversity has for a long time been an important issue in the negotiations. At COP 10 it was recognized that this issues would need to be dealt with further during the two years leading up to COP 11 in Hyderabad, India in October 2012. A dialogue seminar on "Scaling ...

Side Event
COP 11


Biorights is a new economic paradigm for environmental conservation that tries to compensate the opportunity costs of commons for wise use of natural resources on which they depend for their livelihood. In developing the South globe important ecosystems that are rich in biodiversity and have si ...

Side Event
COP 11


Inland water ecosystems encompass one of the most threatened world’s habitats. In some areas, depletion and pollution of important water resources have gone beyond the point of no return. Demands placed by people on natural resources in and around inland waters, particularly the unsustainable us ...

Side Event
COP 11

Securing Wildlife Corridors as an avenue to halt the loss of biodiverstiy

Securing wildlife priority corridors and habitat linkages to enable natural migration and genetic exchange is an important conservation element for successful implementation of the CBD Strategy 2020. At the side event success factors and challenges of examples from India and Southern Africa wil ...

Side Event
COP 11

Seminar on Green Living

A Seminar for citizens about the Green Living and the opportunity and advantage of high population countries. Energy conservation, how nature helps students to improve health and studies, use and throw attitude, mobile phone smart ways to avoid raadiation etc would be discussed.

Side Event
COP 11

Seven Wonders of Conservation presented by the Alliance for Zero Extinction

The purpose of this event will be to raise awareness of some of the globe’s most threatened species through the Seven Wonders of Conservation campaign. Presentations will include national governments sharing their succesful experiences combating species extinctions through the protection of the ...

Side Event
COP 11

Sharing Traditional Knowledge of Social Minorities on Biodiversity and Ecological Sustainability: In Search of an equity-based eco-development

Presentation of past and present practices of indigenous and Local (Dalit/Buraku) Communities in India and Japan about their contribution to biodiversity conservation and recycling economy stressing the importance of improving these practices by making them more equitable in terms of gender and ...

Side Event
COP 11

Sharing experiences: Opportunities to Implement the Recommendations on Bushmeat

Over-exploitation of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians in many tropical and sub-tropical countries is increasingly threatening food security and livelihoods, and is causing significant biodiversity loss. At the same time the wise use of wild animal protein contributes to people’s needs fo ...

Side Event
COP 11

Short films on Indian Biodiversity

screening of short films on India biodiversity [up to 5 min duration] related to Biodiversity issues specific to India followed by Q&A creating eco-awareness among new generations - challenges. Films include: Raja of River Marmeda; SOS - Past wisdom, Present folly; Jewel of Eastern Ghats; A ca ...

Side Event
COP 11

Social benefits of ecosystem services enhanced by restoration/rehabilitation of degraded landscapes–Sharing experiences of technological and social approaches (tentative).

This session presents key aspect concerning how to effectively implement ecosystem restoration/rehabilitation in technological and social approaches at local level. Excessive exploitation of agricultural, forest and aquatic products, and expanding abandoned cultivated land, as well as natural di ...

Side Event
COP 11

Solving the puzzle: Social and cultural dimensions of marine and coastal protected areas

This side event focuses on the social and cultural dimensions of fishing communities in relation to marine and coastal protected areas

Side Event
COP 11

South Asia's Biodiversity and Aichi Targets

SACEP is an intergavernmental environmental orgainzation and its member countries are: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Hon. Ministers of Environment at the 12th meeting of Governing Council of SACEP held on 1-3 November 2010, just after the CBD CO ...

Side Event
COP 11

Space to Place New Steps of Change: An Analysis of International, Regional, and National Laws Essential to Securing Indigenous Peoples' and Local Communities' Territories and Areas

On behalf of the ICCA Consortium, Natural Justice and Kalpavriksh are undertaking an international legal analysis and a range of national legal reviews of laws that support or hinder conservation efforts by Indigenous peoples and local communities in their territories and areas. The national rev ...

Side Event
COP 11

Strategic Environmental Planning and Biodiversity Impact Assessment - tools to increase planning efficiency and to reduce conflicts of interests

At the side event innovative planning tools (Strategic Environmental Planning and Biodiversity Impact Assessment) will be presented. The event shall form the official kick-off for a capacity building initiative by GIZ in cooperation with the German Federation for Nature.

Side Event
COP 11

Strategic Plan 2011-2020 - Sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity

The improved maintenance and use of agricultural biodiversity is central to improving the sustainability of agricultural production systems. This side event, jointly hosted by the UNEP and FAO will present the experiences from a variety of countries which have undertaken GEF supported projects ...

Side Event
COP 11

Strategies, achievements and impacts – Evaluating biodiversity for the GEF and UNDP

The independent GEF Evaluation Office will present the findings of the recent evaluation of the biodiversity focal area strategy of the GEF, which aims to provide an input into the development of a new focal area strategy. Furthermore, together with UNDP's Evaluation Office the upcoming evaluati ...

Side Event
COP 11

Strengthening National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP) via the appropriate integration of governance issues and conservation capacities of indigenous peoples and local and traditional communities

The National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) are an integral requirement of CBD for all the Parties to the Convention. A first round of NBSAP preparation/development/ implementation has been completed by many countries, often financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) th ...

Side Event
COP 11

Strengthening biodiversity management in the Amazonian region of the Andean Community

The Andean Community is the intergovernmental integration organization of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. These countries are considered some the most diverse and rich countries in flora and fauna species. Taking into account this richness, the Andean Countries have developed policy instrum ...

Side Event
COP 11

Sustainable Coffee - Ecosystem value and benefits of shade grown coffee in India

Launch of a report on The Ecosystem Valuation and Biodiversity Services of shade grown coffee in the Western Ghats of South India . The report, prepared by GIST Advisory Services, focuses on the the value provided by this unique shade-grown coffee sector to the forest ecosystem and the livelih ...

Side Event
COP 11

Sustainable Management of Coastal and marine biodiversity

Coastal and marine ecosystem provides considerable ecosystem services. Due to increased anthropogenic pressure and possible adverse impact of climate change conservation and sustainable utilization of these resources are of immense importance. Science based, people centric and process oriented i ...

Side Event
COP 11

Sustainable Ocean Initiative High-level Side Event

Sustainable Ocean Initiative High-level Side Event

Side Event
COP 11

Sustainable Public Procurement and Biodiversity

This will be joint event between the SCBD and UNEP-DTIE (and other partners as appropriate) with regard to the current work being done vis-a-vis Sustainable Public Procurement. This is an issue which has been raised in the business engagement decision and can act as a major driver to ensure not ...

Side Event
COP 11

Sustainable Tourism as a means to Protect Biodiversity and Support to its Sustainable Use - CBD Guidelines on Biodiversity and Tourism Development (Working Title)

(Preliminarily): Rio+20 brought "Sustainable Tourism" as Win-win option to the attention of the internaitonal community. CBD provides for CBD Guidelines ón Biodiversity and Tourismus Development since 2004. COP11 will deal with the theme under decision X/20 (cooperation). The objective of this S ...

Side Event
COP 11

Synthetic Biology and Potential Impacts on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

COP 10’s request for SBSTTA to provide guidance and clarity on synthetic biology’s impact on biodiversity provides a unique opportunity to assess the risks of this emerging technology before many of the potential harms are actualized. From the creation of novel invasive species, synthetic geneti ...

Side Event
COP 11

TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) national implementation

The event will draw attention to examples of TEEB inspired studies around the world. The main objective of this session will be to highlight how biodiversity and ecosystem services are starting to be mainstreamed in higher levels of policy- and decision- making, and how this mainstreaming is sha ...

Side Event
COP 11

TEEB approach, to overcome difficulties for sustainable communities and mainstreaming

1. Case studies Browse one of the most difficult cases for sustainable communities and mainstreaming of biodiversity. - Mr. Gam Shinrei  ABS and traditinal knowledge in India - Mr. Senaga  Case study of Okinawa Japan - Ms. Masako Sakata  Case study of Fukushima's Nucrea accide ...

Side Event
COP 11

TERI-RIS-ICIMOD event on Operationalising Nagoya Protocol in South Asia

The proposed side event could mainly take up issues in the form of formal presentations followed by discussions on the following themes: 1. Status of biodiversity resources in SAARC countries focusing on the shared nature of the species and ecosystems 2. The domestic mechanisms of safeguarding a ...

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  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme