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Short Presentations and Panel Discussion. 1) What is Avian Influenza (speaker from Pan American Health Organization 2) Avian Influenza as a Threat to Biodiversity: Inter-sectoral collaboration and global networks. (W.B. Karesh, Co-Chair, IUCN SSC Wildlife Health Specialist Group. 3) The I ...
The intention is to present the process and preliminary outcomes of the European co-operation on biodiversity indicators – the so-called Streamlining European 2010 Biodiversity Indicators (SEBI2010), which is a joint pan-European activity with countries and other interested bodies. An overview p ...
Panel with experts bringing a state-of-the-art view of relationship family faming and biodiversity.
In the beginning of agriculture was the consumer, and the consumer was farmer, and the farmer was breeder. The marvelous histories about the domestication syndrome has been the natural linkage between ecologists, ethnobotanists and plant breeders. This side event intend to review some interesti ...
Key Biodiversity Areas and AZE sites are new concepts proposed to pinpoint priority areas for conservation at site scale. This event seeks to discuss the current progress in the identification of these sites in different parts of the world as well as to evaluate how this process will help countr ...
This side event will showcase how three countries have made significant progress in advancing the Programme of Work on Protected Areas and, particularly, management effectiveness, through collaboration with NGOs, including the World Wide Fund for Nature and The Nature Conservancy.
A workshop to discuss and explore ways and means to further the implementation of Article 10 (c) of the Convention, which requires Parties to "protect and encourage customary use of biological resources in accordance with traditional cultural practices that are compatible with conservation and s ...
No description available
Presentation of outcome of stakeholder consultation and discussion of options for a cross-cutting initiative.
Side event focusing on Arctic Flora and Fauna, led by CAFF - Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group of the Arctic Council with assistance from UNEP, WCMC, WWF and other international organizations.
Presentation on the benefits of plant variety protection under the UPOV Convention based on an Impact Study carried out by UPOV. Information on the relationship between the UPOV Convention and other international agreements will also be provided. It is planned to use half of the allocated time ...
Introduction to, and outcomes of the Business and 2010 initiative, summary of business relevant findings of the MA
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is developing a new capacity building program for local authorities on biodiversity. The objective of this program is to strengthen the role of local authorities in biodiversity conservation and management. To inaugurate this progr ...
This event would highlight the various aspects related to small-scale fisheries and marine protected areas.
“The ASEAN Center for Biodiversity was recently established by the ten member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to promote biodiversity conservation in the region, which is well known for its diverse and rich tropical biological diversity. The Center reflects the st ...
Beginners Guide to the CBD
Good agricultural practices
Field excursion into the habitat of the Mata Atlântica region close to Curitiba. Presentation of an Brazilian-German cooperation project which is focussed on biodiversity research.