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Organic farming is the buzzword in the world of agriculture. People usually believe this is a new way of farming; but it is not. Organic farming has been practiced since ancient times. In fact, earlier, there were no synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. People were more connected to nature and ...
Farmers of the south-central districts of Bangladesh, namely Barishal, Gopalganj, Madaripur, and Pirojpur, have been practicing floating agriculture for decades, if not centuries. But over the last two decades, this indigenous, wetland-based agrosystem has turned into something of a "climate cel ...
What thrives in poor soil, can tolerate rising temperatures and is brimming with calories? The cassava – sometimes referred to as ‘the Rambo root’. This plant could potentially help alleviate world hunger, provide economically viable agriculture and even put an end to soil erosion, according to ...
Switching en masse to a plant-based diet is essential to protect wildlife habitats and prevent the loss of numerous species currently facing extinction, according to a new report.
India is witnessing a historic mass mobilisation of farmers against three new farm laws. The central government maintains that these laws are the cure for a longstanding agrarian crisis.
As dawn breaks in central Kenya, a helicopter lifts off in a race to find roosting locusts before the sun warms their bodies and sends them on a ravenous flight through farmland.
Many practices are associated with regenerative agriculture — anything from no-till practices to pesticide-free farming. What’s more, the concept means different things for different crops in different regions. What is considered regenerative in one location might not qualify for the same label ...
Pulses – also called legumes – are the edible seeds of plants from the pea family, cultivated for consumption. They are a key ingredient in dishes and cuisines globally: hummus in the Mediterranean; baked beans in English diets, or dal in south Asian cuisine.
A honey bee foraging on lavender. Photo taken by Prof Francis Ratnieks. As abundant and widespread bees, it is common to see both bumble bees and honey bees foraging on the same flower species during the summer, whether in Britain or many other countries.
A new locally-led farm and community biodiversity initiative has been launched by the Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Pippa Hackett.
Consumers have shown that they are willing to pay extra for organic produce grown without pesticides, even if it doesn't taste better.That has not been the case for organic wine. Organic-labeled wines generally sell at prices similar to those of non-organic wines. And that's despite growing evid ...
On Sunday, the chief minister of Himachal Pradesh, Jai Ram Thakur, inaugurated a nutrition garden at the Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University at Palampur. The garden is spread over an area of 3,250 square meters and saplings of apple, peach, plum, apricot, pomegranate a ...
The global food system is the biggest driver of destruction of the natural world, and a shift to predominantly plant-based diets is crucial in halting the damage, according to a report.
Biodiversity loss is accelerating around the world. The global rate of species extinction today is orders of magnitude higher than the average rate over the past 10 million years.
Food production in the Netherlands is an economic success but has led to many environmental issues, including nitrogen pollution. Recently, the policy to allow economic growth while reducing nitrogen losses was disapproved by the highest court in the Netherlands, casting the country into a nitro ...
Reference: SCBD/OES/EM/AS/CC/VA/89396 (2021-007)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Cartagena Protocol Focal Points, ABS Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, indigenous peoples and local communities and relevant organizations
tt’s a fine, crisp day and the first frost of the season, a significant occasion for any gardener and one that has not gone unnoticed by the seed guardians of the Stroud Community Seed Bank.
At Global Forum for Food and Agriculture in Berlin, FAO Director-General appeals for a creative and integrated approach to agri-food systems to drive recovery from COVID-19 and achieve a sustainable world
Chef Rob Connoley is working with farmers, archivists, and Indigenous communities to try to define and revive Ozark cuisine at his restaurant Bulrush in St. Louis, MO. Connoley hopes to increase biodiversity while connecting people back to the land.
In a move to sustainably address rising hunger and poverty, exacerbated by COVID-19, climate change and biodiversity loss, French President Emmanuel Macron called on global leaders to step up their commitments in support of long-term agricultural development.
Soil is one of the most vital non-renewable resources that many organisms on the planet depend on, as it ensures food security of the nations; so that it needs urgent attention, ISNA quoted Seyed Mohammad Mojabi as saying on Sunday.
Food is central to our cultures, health and, indeed, life. But feeding the world is an immense industry that often depletes the planet’s resources through deforestation, soil degradation, loss of biodiversity and mass conversions of landscapes from their natural states to those designed to benef ...
Seeds need to be brought back into public ownership, rather than belonging to a small group of agrochemical companies, say campaigners, after a year in which seed-swapping and saving has reached new heights of popularity.
Mary Ankers is back on the farm. In every direction there is a memory of her childhood. Everything had involved being outside. Jumping on hay bales, bottle-feeding newly born calves and sitting on the back of the trailer with her two older brothers during harvesting.
The yield and quality of many crops benefit from pollination, but it isn't just honey bees that do this work: bumble bees also have a role. A team has used innovative molecular biological methods and traditional microscopy to investigate the pollen collecting behavior of honey bees and bumble be ...
Scientists know that biodiversity is declining across much of the world although less universally and dramatically than we feared. We also know that things are likely to get worse in the future, with a combination of habitat loss, climate change and overexploitation set to drive species and habi ...
There are few places on earth where someone can enjoy the wonder of snowy mountain peaks, witness a herd of elephants at sunset and experience an ecosystem lush with wetlands, open grasslands and arid bush all in the span of a day. That is the wonder of the Amboseli ecosystem in southern Kenya.
People in industrialized regions like the United States of America or Europe are generally urged to eat less meat and animal-source foods as part of a healthier and lower-emissions diet.
Agriculture will soon be worth A$100 billion a year to Australia. The industry employs more than 250,000 people, stewards 80% of our land area and drives world-class agribusiness and food sectors. In an uncertain employment market, every new agriculture graduate has a choice of six job opportuni ...
SHOWCASing synergies between agriculture, biodiversity and Ecosystem services to help farmers capitalising on native biodiversity (SHOWCASE) is a newly funded EU Horizon 2020 research project, dedicated to the integration of biodiversity into farming practices.
The importance of below-ground biodiversity, as well as its complex interaction with the above-ground world, is often overlooked, according to a recent UN report. Soil is not only vital to agriculture but essential for clean water and maintaining biodiversity.
Agriculture and biodiversity are currently both in the spotlights, but mostly as opposites. This must change, but how? A new EU project will investigate how agriculture and biodiversity can best go hand in hand and what this brings in return for the farmer as well as for biodiversity.
Although soils are vital for agriculture, biodiversity and clean water, this below-ground world is often overlooked. The loss of life below the ground due to intensification of agriculture, climate change, erosion and compaction, among other things, is one of the biggest global threats to soils.
The findings of a new report by the Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land-Use, and Energy (FABLE) Consortium, suggest that integrated strategies across food production, biodiversity, climate, and diets can meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) representative to Iran Gerold Bödeker, reaffirms the Organization’s stance to support Iran in developing and adopting policies and programs promoting sustainable agricultural systems and nurturing soil biodiversity.
5 December 2020, Rome, Italy
The Muresk Institute will host a free, farmer-focused event for World Soil Day this Saturday. A United Nations International Day of Significance, World Soil Day highlights the importance of healthy soil and advocates for its sustainable management.
30 November - 4 December 2020, Rome, Italy
The Covid-19 pandemic is teaching us all some very important lessons. In particular, it is reminding us that our health, our economy and our way of life are built on a fragile foundation that is far too often taken for granted.
Agriculture is concerned with rearing animals and the cultivation of crops whilst an ecosystem simply refers to a community of living organisms such as plants and animals together with the non-living components such as the air and soils, interacting with each other in their environment.
More than three billion people live in agricultural areas with high to very high levels of water shortages and scarcity, and almost half of them face severe constraints. Furthermore, available freshwater resources per person have declined by more than 20 percent over the past two decades, unders ...
The modern Thanksgiving plate has turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and — of course — pumpkin pie. But long before Thanksgiving, there were other agricultural plants in the Americas. Those domesticated crops are now extinct. Scientists, like Dr. Logan Kistler, Curator of Archaeobotany at the Smi ...
As Italian hazelnut plantations expand to cater to our love of chocolate and nougat, they are leaving a bitter aftertaste on local soil, water and air.As the early morning mist clears to reveal the turrets of San Quirico Castle in central Italy, the greenery surrounding local farmhouses comes al ...
Food is why we’re all here. It sustains life, spreads joy and brings us together.But if we are to feed 10 billion people in a healthy way within planetary boundaries, the way in which we produce and consume food needs to change.
In the 25 years since Clayton Christensen coined the term “disruptive innovation,” much has been written about the benefits of shaking up established business practices. Even before the current pandemic, there was a growing recognition that our food systems, too, needed to be reimagined.
The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated vulnerabilities in food systems – highlighting the insecurity of rural livelihoods, the tragedy of food waste, and stark inequities in access to healthy food. As the global population races to 10 billion, more needs to be done to feed the planet while tackling ...
Modern agricultural research is focused on how to feed the future population of the world. Year on year, farmers aim to generate a greater amount of food from the same resources and quickly changing environmental conditions only increase the pressure for international food supply.
Today, when students file into the lunchroom at Mundika High School in western Kenya, they are greeted by a spread of nutritious local vegetables with exotic-sounding names, like spider plant. But that wasn't always the case. Just a few years ago, that fare had largely disappeared from Kenyan pl ...
On the back of a recent European Commission-funded report which called for nuance in the livestock vs environment debate, EURACTIV took a look at the importance of EU grasslands and the role of livestock in maintaining them.The report, published in October, comes amidst increasing debates over t ...