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Organised by VIVAT International, an international Catholic NGO, and the Institute for Social Ethics of VIVAT's affiliate, Nanzan University, a Catholic university in Nagoya. The panel of two Catholic religious and a lay member of an Anglican order will open the discussion on the need for a m ...
The event will focus on what are the risks and opportunities related to biodiversity in the building material sector. The Biodiversity Management System, which has been proposed for Holcim by the IUCN-Holcim Independent Expert panel will be presented, followed by an interactive discussion on the ...
The Global Mechanism (GM) of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is assisting developing countries in the design and implementation of comprehensive strategies for mobilizing traditional and innovative financial resources for initiatives that contribute to the synergistic impleme ...
Twelve MEAs and UNEP are developing a joint portal called "InforMEA" to provide a gateway to MEA knowledge. InforMEA is able to harvest and aggregate information from MEAs and on international environmental law from a variety of different sources. With seed funding, a prototype of the InforMEA p ...
Global climate change is expected to transform the world’s biodiversity, with major impacts on livelihoods of indigenous and local communities. While scientists struggle to predict climate change outcomes at global and regional scales, indigenous communities grapple with assessing impacts on the ...
Timeless and resilient practices and new initiatives presented by indigenous communities and their partners to achieve agrobiodiversity and food security
Presentations from various regions of Russia made by indigenous representatives concerning the work in the field of protected areas, positive and negative outcomes of the process.
IIFB Working Group on Indicators work, updates since COP9
Effective and equitable governance is critical in helping to ensure that protected areas (PAs) meet their conservation objectives, while enhancing livelihood security of local people. Governance is an important element in the realization of CBD objectives, in particular within the Programme of W ...
The event will present information on the Capacity Building project for Environmental Funds (EFs) led by RedLAC - the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds. RedLAC will present the new initiative, which has the main goal of strengthening EFs to implement innovative and sus ...
The ABS Capacity Development Initiative and its national and international partners present experiences and lessons learned while building capacities of African stakeholders to develop and implement national ABS regulations. Focus will be set on the enabling R&D environment for bioprospecting ac ...
Jointly hosted by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), the Alpine Convention, the Carpathian Convention, the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA), and the CBD Secretariat the event showcases successful implementation of the Mountain Biodiversity Progra ...
Presentation of the results of recent and on-going work that has examined the projected impacts of climate change on the distribution of birds and other biodiversity throughout Africa and Asia, and the resilience of the network of Important Bird Areas across the two regions. An Adaptive Manageme ...
The side event will present IUCN's views on how to enhance implementation of CBD/POWPA in a post-2010 context as a tool to strengthen protected areas planning and management for biodiversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods and climate change mitigation and adaptation. The side event will ...
Capitalising on lessons learned from joint African and Latin American initiatives on promoting the pro-poor and pro-biodiversity commercialisation of biological and genetic resources, this session will highlight emerging good practices and pinpoint streams of action as to strengthen mutual suppo ...
The Secretariat of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will update the participants on the text-based negotiations underway in the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC) process (namely the renewed mand ...
Educational organisations, aquaria, science centres, natural history museums, research centres, zoos, media and NGO are at the interface of different publics and very good vehicles for communication towards the public at large. Together they reach hundreds of millions of people each year. World ...
The Government of India has enacted the Biological Diversity Act 2002. The Act provides for conservation of biological diversity, sustainable use of its components, and fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of biological resources and/or associated knowledge. The Nati ...
ILCs working with the private sector and in particular the Aromatic, Flavourings and Cosmetics Industry and representative of the industry will discuss good practices in the light of the IR ABS.
Efforts to build capapcity of ILCs to effectively participate in international processes will be presented by IWBN (LAC region), SCBD and Conservation International (CI) and others.
This event has as goal the capacity building about indigenous right on the subject to guarantee their participation on genetic resources, access and benefit sharing discussions.
ICCAs— sites and landscapes/ seascapes voluntarily conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities—are a phenomenon of global significance in both terrestrial and marine and coastal environments. This event will feature tools and guidance on how CBD Parties, indigenous peoples, local commu ...
Global climate change is predicted to have profound effects upon ecological systems and human society. The conservation of biodiversity and its sustainable use are also challenges of great importance for mankind as means of addressing global climate change. To slow down global climate change and ...
Leading businessmen in China will show cases of their action on biodiversity. Blive will introduce its platform role in promoting biodiversity protection work in China.
Nikkei BP's EcoManagement Forum (EMF) is a consortium of 170 large corporations which work hard on biodiversity. EMF is also partnered with Nikkei Ecology. a leding Japanese magazine of environmental issues in business. The member companies present many cases of their approach to biodiversity an ...
The GEO Biodiversity Observation Network is an international partnership committed to improving access to biodiversity data and information that is critical for informed decision making. This side event will explore how GEO BON can support the CBD at both the national and global levels.
The main purpose of this event is to celebrate achievements in the Trilateral Implementation of the Heart of Borneo Initiative, launch their commitments to sustainable financing and joint support to REDD+ in the Heart of Borneo.
The side event will focus on mechanisms to advance self reliance in health and nutritional security at a local community level. Case studies will be used to demonstrate how available biological resources and specific knowledge within communities can be utilized for this purpose, through a proce ...
The Himalaya, which represents youngest but complex mountain system on the earth, is still evolving, and it has been recognized amongst the 34 global biodiversity hotspots. The ecosystem components in the region exhibit great dynamism. The variations in topographical features along three dimensi ...
Trade, if managed under sustainable practices, can enable biodiversity conservation. This is what UNCTAD BioTrade Initiative and its partners are promoting. Creating an enabling environment for developing sustainable businesses and fostering public-private sector engagement, while establishing S ...
Governance and rights security have significant implications for biodiversity conservation effectiveness and for the livelihoods of people relying on resources within and outside of protected areas. These linkages are recognized in numerous Articles, Programmes of Work, and Guidelines of the CBD ...
The event will present views, experiences and recommendations from the private sector actors on how to advance towards effectively engaging business in supporting the implemetation of the three objectives of CBD, in particular in the use of BioTrade approaches.
Biologically diverse ecosystems in countries served by the World Bank provide an array of valuable economic services to people. The benefits of conserving ecosystems frequently outweigh the costs but conversion occurs anyway, because many ecosystem benefits are public goods. Some public goods ...
Partners of the Global Tiger Initiative will take stock of the commitments made by tiger range countries and the international community at the September Tiger Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. The World Bank, with President Robert B. Zoellick, would report on this flagship initiative and its En ...
The event will highlight the work of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The GSTC is an international membership council that aims to foster the increased knowledge and understanding of sustainable tourism practices and the adoption of universal sustainable tourism principles. At the ...
Dialogue with international business person, deligation members of the parties and other stakeholders including NGOs.
The Global Canopy Programme and partners present an overview of their latest publication, The Little Biodiversity Finance Book. The event will explore the various options for generating finance (from traditional ODA to innovative green bonds), the range of mechanisms to deliver finance (includi ...
The Global Biodiversity Outlook-3 represents the scientific basis for the elaboration of the new strategic plan of the CBD and anticipates the types of assessments that the IPBES (International Science-Policy Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) might undertake. This side event will: - ...
This seminar presents key aspects concerning how to assess and monitor diversity at the genetic level. Species and ecosystems depend on biological variation at the gene level for retaining resilience and evolutionary potential. Genetic biodiversity also provides the basis for terrestrial and aqu ...
This side event will present gender mainstreaming in the three Rio Conventions, including an analysis of gaps and challenges for better coordination between the three conventions.
Presentation of 'National Protected Areas of the Russian Federation: Gap Analysis and Perspective Framework'. This event will be organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy, the MAVA Foundation and WWF.
Presentation of community based management of agricultural biodiversity from different regions. Special focus on Community Seed Banks, and a launch of a report on Community Seed Banks.
The Global Legislators Organisation, GLOBE International, is a unique network of legislators committed to addressing global environmental challenges. GLOBE parliamentarians work closely with leading scientists, economists and policy specialists to develop progressive and coordinated environmenta ...
The Global Legislators Organisation, GLOBE International, is a unique network of legislators committed to addressing global environmental challenges. GLOBE parliamentarians work closely with leading scientists, economists and policy specialists to develop progressive and coordinated environmenta ...
What are the geoengineering technologies in the research and development phase that could have dramatic impacts on biodiversity through technological adjustments to to earth's albedo, large scale manipulation of marine ecosystems, and converstion of "biomass" to industrial uses in a post-carbon ...
The GEF Evaluation Office conducted the fourth independent evaluation of the GEF as an input to its fifth replenishment process. The Director of the Evaluation Office will present the main conclusions and recommendations of the study and will request feedback from the participants.
The event will provide an update on the GEF-5 replenishment, during which donors have provided an historical increase. The various reforms that the GEF has proposed and plans to implement during this GEF-5 to further strengthen its effectiveness and efficiency will be discussed.
The GEF-5 biodiversity strategy reflects the four-year framework of COP program priorities developed at COP-9 and includes refinements to previous GEF investment strategies based on advances in conservation practice and advice from the GEF’s Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel. The side eve ...