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Review of implementation of the programme of work on agricultural biodiversity
Review of implementation of the programme of work on forest biodiversity
Review of implementation of the strategy for resource mobilization
Review of implementation: progress in national target setting and updating of national biodiversity strategies and action plans
Review of processes
Review of progress in providing support in implementing the objectives of the Convention and its Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020
Review of progress in revising/updating and implementing national biodiversity strategies and action plans and submission of fifth national reports
Review of progress in the implementation of the convention and the strategic plan for biodiversity 2011-2020
Review of progress towards Aichi Biodiversity Target 16 on the Nagoya Protocol
Review of the Global Taxonomy Initiative
Review of the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Soil Biodiversity and updated plan of action
Review of the effectiveness of processes under the Convention and its Protocols
Review of the effectiveness of processes under the Convention and its Protocols
Review of work on invasive alien species and considerations for future work
Revised Draft Capacity-Building Strategy for the Global Taxonomy Initiative
Risk assessment and risk management
Risk assessment and risk management of living modified organisms
Role of the clearing-house mechanism in promoting technical cooperation to achieve the 2010 target and facilitating information exchange on progress made
Roster of experts on biosafety
Rules of procedure for meetings of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol
Scenarios for the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity
Science-policy interface on biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being and consideration of the outcome of the intergovernmental meetings
Scientific and technical information to be contained in the national reports
Scientific and technical needs related to the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020
Scientific assessment of progress towards selected Aichi Biodiversity Targets
Scientific assessments: development of methodologies and identification of pilot studies
Scientific, technical and technological aspects of the conservation and sustainable use of coastal and marine biological diversity
Scientific, technical and technological inputs that should inform the global review of collective progress in the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Second Global Biodiversity Outlook
Second Global Biodiversity Outlook
Second work programme of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Secretariat: programme budget for the biosafety work programme for the biennium following the entry into force of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Specialized international access and benefit-sharing instruments in the context of Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Nagoya Protocol
Specialized international access and benefit-sharing instruments in the context of Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Nagoya Protocol
Stakeholder engagement
Status of national reporting and proposals on the scope and format of the third edition of Global Biodiversity Outlook
Strategic actions to enhance implementation of the Convention and the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 including the mainstreaming of biodiversity within and across sectors
Streamlining the guidance provided to the Global Environment Facility as the institutional structure operating the financial mechanism of the convention
Sustainable tourism
Sustainable use of biodiversity
Sustainable use of biodiversity: bushmeat and sustainable wildlife management
Sustainable use of biodiversity: bushmeat and sustainable wildlife management: information in response to decision XII/18, paragraph 13
Sustainable use of the components of biological diversity: identification of sectoral activities that could adopt biodiversity-friendly practices and technologies
Sustainable use: further consolidation of the work on the use of terms and on associated instruments
Sustainable wildlife management
Sustainable wildlife management
Sustainable wildlife management: guidance for a sustainable wild meat sector
Synthetic Biology
Synthetic biology
Synthetic biology