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The federal government has taken action recently to reduce the amount of plastic waste found on land and in oceans, rivers and lakes.
Plastic is in pretty much everything that we use, and it’s become a major source of pollution, particularly in the world’s oceans. Money Mind looks at how some organisations are helping to stem the tide.
Natural silence -- the kind when you hear nothing but the sound of nature around you -- is becoming increasingly scarce. The rumblings of man-made noise can be heard even in the remote corners of national parks and deep in the Arctic Ocean.
While most of us might not think about ghosts again until next Halloween, the same can’t be said for ocean activists and fishers. According to a new report by Greenpeace, abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) — commonly known as "ghost gear" — makes up about 10 percent of t ...
Cape Town - A recent study by Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Sea Search-Namibian Dolphin Project and Ocean Conservation Namibia (OCN) found that hundreds of Cape Fur seals were in extreme danger of being entangled in fishing lines and nets each year, because of plastic pollution, causing horrifi ...
A new study from the University of Sydney has revealed that 64 percent of the world’s farmland is at risk of pesticide pollution. The researchers also found that more than 30 percent of global agricultural land has a “high risk” of pollution from pesticide chemicals.
Microplastics are merging with bacteria and turning into large clumps in sea water, scientists have discovered. Glue-like molecules emitted by bacteria - called biopolymers - join with the plastic particles to form large masses.
Last summer, I volunteered in Indonesia on the islands of Simeulue and Bangkaru. During this unique opportunity, I helped to monitor and protect the local green sea turtle population, and I witnessed firsthand the effects of waste on the environment.
Nobody, it seemed, had thought to look before.
Vehicle travel, factories, and other air pollution sources are shutting down in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, and satellites operated by NASA and the European Space Agency can see the difference.
Humans have produced an estimated 10 billion metric tons of plastic since the industrial era, most which has ended up as permanent waste in the environment that will define Homo sapiens’ legacy in the fossil record.
Protecting ocean ecosystems from plastic pollution is one of the defining environmental imperatives of our time.
It's time to panic. Our forests are on fire, our ice caps are melting and the mercury is rising faster than you can say 'anthropogenic global warming'. But even as climate scientists unanimously raise the alarm on the disastrous effects of human activities on climate change, we continue to go ab ...
(CNN)A teenager from Ireland may have found a way to rescue our oceans from the growing plastic pollution problem.
At five sites in the world’s oceans, plastic waste accumulates in large swirling gyres, the largest of which is three times the size of France. Millions of tons of plastic enters the oceans every year, damaging marine ecosystems, harming ocean animals and entering the human food chain.
Every year, approximately eight million metric tons of plastic enters the world’s oceans – the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic every single minute.
Marine scientists say they have found what they believe to be as many as 25,000 barrels possibly containing DDT dumped off the southern California coast near Catalina Island, where a massive underwater toxic waste site dating back to the second world war has long been suspected.
Since time immemorial, Indigenous peoples worldwide have observed, tracked and memorised all the visible objects in the night sky.
New research finds that thousands of sharks and rays could be entangled in the plastic polluting Earth’s oceans.
The global outcry against single-use plastics has put the issue of non-essential plastic consumption at the forefront of consumers’ minds. Customers are actively trying to reduce their consumption by switching to reusable cups, carrying around reusable bags, and looking for products with minimal ...
An army of tiny magnetic coils could dissolve microplastics from water, and possibly help us clean up waterways and oceans.
Aiming to get vendors and buyers accustomed to using an alternative to plastic, the Goa State Biodiversity Board (GSBB) has distibuted 15,000 cloth bags in different markets and traditional vegetabel sellers operating along highways across the state.
The tobacco industry is a far greater threat than many realise as it is one of the world’s biggest polluters, from leaving mountains of waste to driving global warming, the WHO charged Tuesday.
Several chemicals found in South Florida tap water and surface water belong to a concerning group of contaminants that can pose serious health risks to humans and wildlife.
About six million people aged over 65 in England are at high risk of lung damage and asthma attacks because of toxic air, according to a new report. It finds that older people and those with lung disease who are most vulnerable to the effects of pollution are often the most exposed.
A highly toxic rat poison is killing increasing numbers of birds of prey, figures show, as wildlife campaigners call for its use to be banned outdoors.
Toxic waste and electronic waste (e-waste) is generated from a wide range of industries—such as health, hydrocarbon or manufacturing—and can come in many forms, such as sludges or gas. E-waste is used electronic items that are nearing the end of their useful life, and are discarded or given to b ...
Toxic PFAS compounds are contaminating the air inside homes, classrooms and stores at alarming levels, a new study has found. Researchers with the University of Rhode Island and Green Science Policy Institute tested indoor air at 20 sites and detected the “forever chemicals” in 17 locations.
At the end of October the European Parliament approved EU’s plans to ban, by 2021, throwaway plastics, which make up over 70% of the marine litter. This is part of the newly launched EU’s plastics strategy and of speeding up global action on marine plastics pollution. The G7 summit in Canada in ...
Plastic pollution in the world's oceans is now widely recognised as a major global challenge — but we still know very little about how these plastics are actually reaching the sea. A new global initiative, led by the University of Birmingham shows how focussing on rivers and river mouths can yie ...
Removing the vast amounts of plastic waste already polluting our oceans is going to need tackling in a number of ways. But the flow of plastic from rivers also needs to be stopped, and that's what Vietnam's trash traps are designed to do.
Planting trees without plastic tree guards should be standard practice, a UK study has found, as leading conservation charities and landowners seek sustainable alternatives to reduce plastic waste.
A single tumble dryer could be responsible for releasing 120m micro plastic fibres into the air each year, a study has found. Tumble dryers are one of the main sources of microfibre pollution in the atmosphere, according to research by Prof Kenneth Leung, director of the State Key Laboratory of ...
A full-size disco ball, a plastic Christmas tree and a double mattress were among the more unusual objects found by volunteers cleaning up the UK’s beaches this autumn.
UK plastic waste is being exported to Turkey and then illegally dumped and burned, according to a report. Greenpeace said about 40% - or 210,000 tonnes - of the UK's plastic waste exports were sent to Turkey last year.
This month is Plastic Free July which is celebrated across the globe. It encourages millions of people to be part of the solution to the single-use plastic waste problem at home, work, school, and even at restaurants. So, we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.
With new research showing the major role that rivers play in bringing plastic pollution to the oceans, countries are looking for ways to tackle the root causes of the problem in their own waterways. In response, the Sri Lankan government is set to partner with the UN Environment Programme’s (UNE ...
More than one in 19 deaths in Britain’s largest towns and cities are linked to air pollution – with people living in urban areas in south-east England more likely to die from exposure to toxic air, according to a new study.
Việt Nam aims to reduce plastic waste discharged into the sea and ocean by 75 per cent. The country also wants to totally end the usage of disposable plastic products in coastal tourist attractions and resorts as well as the disposal of fishing gear into the sea by 2030.
Venice's gondoliers have been swapping boating hats for scuba helmets and diving into canals in a clean-up operation of the UNESCO city that has turned up everything from washing machines to bicycles.
Hormonal changes caused by motorboat noise cause clownfish to hide, skip meals and attack their neighbours—putting damselfish in distress.
France's stay-at-home orders to combat the coronavirus outbreak have produced a 20 to 30 percent decline in overall air pollution levels in Paris, according to a report from the region's air quality monitoring agency.
The World Health Organization has cut its recommended limits for air pollution and urged nations to tackle dirty air and save millions of lives.
A towering wall of sand rushed over factories and apartment blocks in northwestern China's Gansu province as seasonal sandstorms barrelled across the country, causing air pollution and traffic accidents.
This is what pollution looks like on a European scale.The animation shows the concentration and movement through the atmosphere of nitrogen dioxide. NO₂ is a problem gas that is produced primarily by vehicle exhausts and industrial activity via the burning of fossil fuels.
A new report jointly published by the Incheon National University in South Korea and Greenpeace East Asia says our plastic problem isn’t a distant worry at all. It focused on testing 39 table salt brands, including 28 sea salt brands, across the world. Among those, 36 of them contained traces of ...
Australia's wetlands are home to a huge range of stunning flora and fauna, with large snakes often at the top of the food chain.Many wetlands are located near urban areas. This makes them particularly susceptible to contamination as stormwater, urban drainage and groundwater can wash metals—such ...
Plastic bottles dominate waste in the ocean, with an estimated 1m of them reaching the sea every minute. The biggest culprit is polyethylene terephthalate (Pet) bottles.
Some of the rubbish spilling out into the Tasman Sea from an old rubbish dump on the West Coast will not be able to be collected, scientists say.
Wastewater exposes plants and wildlife to hundreds of chemical compounds. Researchers are learning about potential side effects and solutions.