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Introducing an approach to Access and Benefit-sharing by Japan and Asian countries
The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) worked out 9 policy options that could contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of global biodiversity and a few ecosystem goods and services. Policy options are defined here as alternative pathways for policymakers along which to i ...
The Digital Observatory for Protected Areas (DOPA) is a biodiversity information system currently developed as a set of interoperable web services at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in collaboration with other international organizations, including GBIF, UNEP-WCMC, Birdlife ...
Effective use of data and information, and the technical capacity to do so, is an essential prerequisite for successful implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, including the Programmes of Work on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity, Island Biodiversity, and Protected Areas. However ...
This event intends to introduce unique and ambitious higher education program, Nagoya University Global Environmental Leaders Program (NUGELP). NUGELP focuses simultaneously three crucial areas such as biodiversity, climate change, and water and waste management. This combination is rare as one ...
The Alliance for Zero Extinction helps countries achieve their CBD targets while halting the loss of species most at risk of extinction.
Presentation and discussion on management of alien species causing problems all over the world (the second part: involvement of local government, NGOs and private sector etc.).
Presentation and discussion on management of alien species causing problems all over the world (the first part: legal frameworks, strategic and scientific eradication of alien mammals etc.).
Presentation of activities for biodiversity conservation in agricultural sector in Japan. Agriculture is an essential production activity on supplying necessary food and daily commodities for human lives, and also on the viewpoint of food security. For the maintenance and development of sustaina ...
The purpose of the event would be to launch the UN report on “Advancing the biodiversity agenda: A UN system-wide contribution” during the high level segment to share its findings with a wide audience present at COP and to discuss on further expectations and actions from the UN system for the fo ...
Since the time of Chile’s canoeist populations along its coasts, Chile has a long outstanding history of maritime vocation in the southeastern Pacific. In the last decade, this vocation has been reinforced by the need for the sustainable use of marine resources and their environments, which has ...
Please join the CBD Secretariat, FAO, CIFOR, and CIC to learn more about the Liaison Group on Bushmeat’s recommendations towards a more sustainable use of bushmeat. The recommendations will be addressed by COP 10 as part of the review of implementation of Article 10 of the Convention (Sustainab ...
In accordance with its“Hyogo Biodiversity Strategy” the Prefectural Government is undertaking, together with people of Hyogo, NPOs and private companies, significant efforts, for example, in order to improve and revitalize the ecosystem of“Satoyama”, and use the outcomes and experiences of this ...
Bringing the right areas under some sort of management regime is a crucial piece of the strategy for achieving the CBD’s objectives and several of the proposed post-2010 targets – namely targets 5, 11, 12, 14 and 15. This side event will showcase analyses of where the most important areas for pr ...
The Programme of Work on Protected Areas has some great success stories in implementation; some of which have come to light during the recent series of regional workshops on capacity building and review of implementation held from October to December 2009. In collaboration with PoWPA Friends, th ...
IMPTF calls for the introduction of a modified mechanism that would provide funding to qualifying projects existing within established and recognized Connectivity Conservation frameworks (or corridors) which can be regional as well as intra-national (with national approval), at least until count ...
In 2008, MAFF started to recommend the utilization of a voluntary eco-label called the “living creature mark”. It applies to agriculture, forestry and marine products produced by the measures which conserve local living creatures. (e.g. rice with oriental white stork mark.). These brands may hel ...
This event will showcase the work of the BDA (Biotechnology for Development in Africa) Foundation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The BDA approach of creating 'ecopreneurs' who can capitalize on the medicinal products of cultivated trees shows a unique and effective way of creating soc ...
Presentations and panel discussion addressing major activities of Life on Earth Committee that has been formed across public and private sectors, and industrial and academic institutions. A goal of the Committee is to promote and facilitate understanding of the importance of domestic biodiversit ...
The objective of this side event is to share ongoing experiences from GEF support to ABS implementation at the regional and national level and to review opportunities for GEF support to ABS during GEF-5.
The event will provide indigenous and local community views on the draft protocol to be adopted at COP 10. The Secretariat will sponsor the event in partnership with the UNPFII and Tebtebba Foundation. The UNPFII and IIFB will present the outcomes of the technical review of the current ABS Neg ...
The panel of speakers comprising government and civil society representatives will discuss the significance of adopting an ABS Protocol at COP10. The Protocol would implement not only the third CBD objective of fair and equitable benefit sharing, but also the other two objectives of biodiversity ...
Presentation of the world zoo and aquarium conservation strategy for the implementation of the WAZA aquarium community. The strategy is introduced and examples are being presented by WAZA president and representatives of the Japanese zoo and aquarium association (JAZA), followed by the launch of ...
Presentations addressing the issue of biodiversity will be given from the macro and micro perspectives. 1. Australia currently conserves more than 13 per cent of the country through the protected area network. Threats to reserves, however, go beyond boundaries and influences are often landscap ...
After having presented IUCN's views on the CBD SP at SBSTTA14/WGRI3, IUCN will further develop its position and present it at COP10 in order to contribute to the discussions on the Strategic Plan, the Vision 2050, Mission 2020, Targets and associated indicators. Specific targets will be presente ...
The International Conference on Biological and Cultural Diversity – for development, held in Montreal 8-10 June 2010, with over 230 participants from Parties, International organizations, IPOs, NGOs and civil society, has recommended a joint programme of work lead by UNESCO and the SCBD to explo ...
Discussions on REDD and other payments for ecosystem services (PES) are showing the need for a holistic approach to forest management. For example, it is now widely accepted that REDD efforts can only be successful if they are built on a strong foundation of good forest governance in resilient a ...
Media cocktail party and presentation of the 2010 IUCN - Reuters - COMplus Media Award for Excellence in Environmental Reporting
The 2010 Biodiversity Indicators Partnership draws on the outputs and experiences of over 40 partner organizations, as well as a range of Parties, MEA bodies and the private sector in understanding the challenges faced in monitoring progress towards a global biodiversity target. In support of th ...
The event will present the overall findings of a global research project on "Protecting Community Rights over Traditional Knowledge: Implications of customary laws and practices". Case studies from Peru, China, India & Kenya will be presented in more detail, including work on community biocultur ...
Ecosystems and the global water crisis- diminishing ecosystem services. This side event by Wetlands International and some of our partners from the development sector will illustrate the critical role of wetlands ecosystems for water – food, attenuating some of the impacts of climate change, th ...
Workshop of coast and shallow sea. Coastline and the Shallow sea region that bring up biological diversity. We are learn abut good practice and the lesson learns. How is a Shallow sea region important to marine biological diversity? We preserve a continuity of the coastline in good condition and ...