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The purpose of the event is to exchange views about the national strategies and Action Plans 2010-2020 of the Region of Latin America and the Caribbean, also to Promote discussion about suggested indicators for the strategic plan for biodiversity 2011-2020 and the Aichi biodiversity targets, ...
New mechanisms for financing biodiversity such as biodiversity offsets are being promoted by some governments both nationally and internationally, among them the UK. The experience from carbon offset markets to date suggests this is risky. Issues include the problems around derivative markets, t ...
This event will present the background and provide an update on IPBES, and its potential role for supporting the CBD SBSTTA in providing scientific advice to the CBD.
This side event will: 1. Update progress on funding matches, donor partners and submissions of Expressions of interest from recipient partners 2. Convey the instrument of financing roundtables and progress made 3. Profile key successes since COP10 4. Introduce version 2.0 of the carbon/biodive ...
The IUCN Environmental Law Centre and the IUCN Global Policy Unit are currently developing an Explanatory Guide to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity. This ...
Biodiversity and ecosystem resilience and integrity are crucial to efforts to stabilise climate, but some proposed solutions to climate change could undermine them still further. Key issues include: biomass for energy, biofuels and biochar, genetically engineered trees and crops, geoengineering ...
By 2020, restoration of at least 15% of the world's degraded ecosystems should contribute to climate change mitigation and to combating desertification. A challenging target, but what and where are these degraded ecosystems, and what is their extent? What has been already lost in terms of biodiv ...
The rate of increase in the number of protected areas (PAs) in China has been accelerating in in recent years. Despite the increasing number of PAs, the capacity of staff to effectively monitoring and assess biodiversity has failed to keep pace. The Wildlife Institute at Beijing Forestry Univers ...
Forest-related knowledge and practices have supported the livelihoods and cultures of local and indigenous communities for centuries, while sustaining and enhancing biological diversity in forests and associated agro-ecosystems. In 2005, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations ( ...