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In order to develop products and services that are friendly to biodiversity, what kind of ideas are more effective? In this session we will share ideas about · Variety ideas from marketing perspective. · Building better index for biodiversity friendly consumers. Introduction(10min) Presentat ...
Presentation from experts (50min) - Share the disscussion summery of "Quito Seminar on Scaling up Biodiversity Finance". - Intruduce biodiversity finance in Japan. - New ideas for index of resilience and financial mechanism. Q&A and discussion among participants (40min)
Blue carbon refers to the carbon sequestered and stored in coastal vegetated ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrass or tidal salt marshes. This carbon can build up over millenia, but is then be susceptible to oxidation and significant release into the atmosphere if habitats are degraded. Maintai ...
The event will feature the presentation of a new report on the do's and don'ts of supporting Indigenous and community initiatives to conserve and restore forests. It will discuss how appropriate support to Indigenous territories and community conserved areas (ICCAs) can contribute to sustainable ...
The event will offer very concrete examples of how farmer-led experimentation and resilience strategies are helping farmers to build seed security, feed their families, and stay on their lands, despite unpredictable and challenging climate events. If we are to build food security in vulnerable ...
CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF ISLAND ECOSYSTEMS. This side event will show the progress to date on protecting biodiversity on Mexican islands and the important advances on the related strategic planning. The event highlights major goals achieved by Mexico following a national approach in ...
This side-event will present findings of the Synthesis Document on the Impacts of Marine Debris on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/16/INF/15), and initiate a discussion on marine debris by focusing on a number of issues related to marine debris impacts on biodiversity, including ...
The event will bring together perspectives of people working to promote biological resource use to improve nutritional and health security at the level of rural communities, using resources and capabilities at the local context in order to achieve broader development and conservation goals.
The side event will review global progress with marine protected areas (MPAs) and explore practical and innovative ways to accelerate progress towards Aichi Biodiversity Target 11. At the side event we will present key findings from the Protected Planet Report 2012 on the current status and tren ...
The event will explain the risks and negative impacts of the expansion of markets in biomass-based products and services. This expansion is currently being promoted as a part of the Rio+20 "green economy" agenda. The event will specifically address potential negative impacts on biological and cu ...