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UNEP is undertaking regional marine assessment through the regional seas programme. Final results of marine biodiversity assessments and related indicators will be presented during CBD COP 10. During this session, results of work undertaken on marine biodiversity assessments and indicators will ...
The history of the conservation of the once disappeared Crested Ibises in Japan, and the history and current status of their reintroduction.
This event will provide training and information to participants on the recent development of economic valuation of land resources, and global study on ecosystem services.
Presentation by IIED, UNEP-WCMC and the African Wildlife Foundation of the findings of the April 2010 Symposium held at the Zoological Society of London, including the AWF paper on Lessons Learned from Conservation Enterprise.
2010 is the United Nations' International Year of Biodiversity. It represents a milestone for preserving the diversity of life on earth. What is biological diversity? Why is it important? What are ecosystem services ? Why do we keep losing species, genes and ecosystems at unprecedented speed? W ...
This event will introduce recommendations from regional workshops on the preparation of the fourth national report, organized with support of Japan, UNEP and other donors. A few countries will be invited to share their experiences and lessons learned from the preparation of the fourth national r ...
This event will provide training and information to participants on the recent development on payment for ecosystem services and climate change funding
This event will provide training and information to participants on a green development mechansim and global consideration of innovative financial mechanisms.