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Sand mining is a neglected but serious environmental hazard affecting beaches, creeks and rivers all over the world. Rampant sand mining destroys environment and bio diversity, affects water security and causes land erosion. Developing countries like India, Cambodia and other Asian countries co ...
The EU Biodiversity for Life (B4Life) flagship initiative is designed to help developing countries protect ecosystems, combat wildlife crime and develop green economies. It takes the novel approach of emphasising the economic benefits of protecting biodiversity and ecosystems in the interest of ...
Falconry is a worldwide traditional hunting art using trained birds of prey with a history of over 3,000 years. It is listed as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. Recently, sustainable use of wildlife is being recognized as a way to help conserve biological diversity; sustainable use o ...
The growing internationalization of the economy is responsible for the effects that domestic decisions have beyond any political or administrative boundaries. That applies not only to States and unions of States such as the European Union, but also to subnational and local governments. In the co ...
Presentation and panel discussion on the successes and challenges in terms of Rhino Conservation
This side event will be “the initial review session” in the series of four CBD COP side events up to 2020 when the Aichi Biodiversity Targets will be concluded. Our prime objective of the side events is to discuss effective approaches and strategies to achieve the Targets and make recommendation ...
The Government of Bangladesh permitted to grow Bt-brinjal in the farmers fields.Farmers, Environmentalist and media are still now protesting. In the coming COP12 of CBD we want to arrange a public dialoufe session on Bt-brinjal and the politics of GE. Our presentation is based on the 20 Bt-brin ...
Cet Atlas, fruit d’une collaboration entre l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie et le Global Footprint Network, avec l’appui d’autres partenaires, dont la FRANCE et la Wallonie, vise à améliorer et à approfondir la compréhension de l'Empreinte écologique et des tendances de la biocap ...
Evidence and recommendations regarding the role of biodiversity in the post 2015 process related to Sustainable Devleopment Goals and the implementation of them will be discussed in this side event. A sharper focus on integrating biodiversity is essential in the post-2015 goal-setting and implem ...
This event will provide updates on China's progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Information covers the distribution of biodiversity in China, China's national biodiversity conservation strategy and action plan, main actions carried out, biodiversity monitoring, assessment of progres ...