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The China Fund Project on “Strengthening the capacity of South East Asian countries for the implementation of the Biodiversity Strategic Plan 2011-2020 & Aichi Targets”, launched in 2013, aims to promote sharing of knowledge and experience among ASEAN countries and China on the implementation of ...
Let´s not keep reinventing the wheel but learn from each other´s successes in the management and governance of biodiversity and natural resources. This side event – hosted by the Blue Solutions Initiative of the German Environment Ministry (BMUB) together with its implementing partners GIZ, IUCN ...
Release of short film on Western Ghats – The ecological balance by Nature and panel discussion on the Western Ghats- sustainable Livelihood for every life . Speakers- Mr Ram Bhooj National programme Officer, ecological sciences. Mr. Shende Rajendra – Former Director UNEP President of the side e ...
Since 2006, the microbial resource centers (MRCs) under Asian Consortium for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Microbial Resources (ACM) have been working on the development of legitimate and practical scheme for exchanging microbial resources between ACM member MRCs. Especially after the ...
Last December, the IPBES Plenary agreed a work programme for the period 2014-2018, and agreed the budget for the first two years. The intention of this side event is to brief participants on the progress made to date in implementing the IPBES work programme, and on what can be expected in the co ...
The side-event will provide an overview of the GEF-6 biodiversity strategy and programming opportunities for countries.
Presentation on the Pilot Phase of the ABS Clearing-House
The side event will focus on the joint programme between UNESCO and the SCBD, as developed at the International Conference on Biological and Cultural Diversity for Development (June 2010, Montreal). The event will provide an update an initial progress & step forward.
While there is an agreement the biodiversity knowledge needs to become widespread, there is little agreement on how that transfer of knowledge can occur at lower education level.This event will propose the collaborative development of one way that this could be achieved through the education sys ...
The side event will provide an update on the latest decisions taken on the operationalisation of IPBES including on: -the governance structure of the platform; -its rules and procedures; -hosting arrangements for the Secretariat (host country and institutions); -budget; -legal status; and -work ...