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NP-MOP Decision

. Programme budget for the biennium following the entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol

NP-1/13.Programme budget for the biennium following the entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol
1.Decides that the financial rules and regulations and the decisions related to the administration of the budget, adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, be applied mutatis mutandis to the Nagoya Protocol;
2.Decides to set up the following trust funds for the Nagoya Protocol for a period of three years, beginning 1 January 2015 and ending 31 December 2017, and requests the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to seek the approval of the United Nations Environment Assembly for their establishment:
(a)Trust Fund for the core programme budget for the Nagoya Protocol (BYP 23 Trust Fund);
(b)Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BEP Trust Fund) for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities;
3.Approves a core programme budget (BYP) of US$ 290,200 for the year 2015 and of US$ 985,500 for the year 2016, for the purposes set out in table 1 below;
4.Approves the Secretariat staffing as set out in table 2 below;
5.Decides to adopt the Nagoya Protocol scale of assessment for the apportionment of the distinct costs among Parties to the Protocol for 2015 and 2016 set out in table 4 below and authorizes the Executive Secretary, in keeping with the financial rules, to adjust the list of Parties on receipt of notification from the depositary that a State has deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
6.Authorizes the Executive Secretary, on an exceptional basis, to amend the 2016 scale to include all Parties for which the Protocol enters into force on or before 31 December 2015;
7.Decides also, in the light of the recommendation of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) in its report on the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, to establish a working capital reserve for the core budget (BYP Trust Fund) that will build up to 7.5 per cent of approved biennial expenditure, including programme support costs by the 31 December 2016;
8 Decides further that the pro rata contributions of Parties for whom the Nagoya Protocol enters into force after 1 January 2015 will be used in the first instance to build the required working capital reserve and in this regard welcomes paragraph 10 of decision XII/32 of the Conference of the Parties;
9.Authorizes the Executive Secretary to enter into commitments up to the level of the approved budget, drawing on available cash resources;
10.Also authorizes the Executive Secretary to transfer resources among the programmes between each of the main appropriation lines set out in table 1 below up to an aggregate of 15 per cent of the total programme budget, provided that a further limitation of up to a maximum of 25 per cent of each such appropriation line shall apply;
11.Invites all Parties to the Protocol to note that contributions to the core programme budget (BYP) are due on 1 January of the year in which these contributions have been budgeted for, and to pay them promptly, and urges Parties in a position to do so to pay by 1 December of the year 2014 for the calendar year 2015 and by 1 November 2015 for the calendar year 2016, the contributions set out in table 4, as adjusted in accordance with paragraph 6, and, in this regard, requests that Parties be notified of the amount of their contributions for 2016 by 15 October 2015;
12.Takes note of the funding estimates in table 3 for activities under the Protocol to be financed from the Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BEP) for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities for the biennium 2015-2016, as specified by the Executive Secretary;
13.Urges Parties and invites all States not Parties to the Protocol, as well as governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and other sources, to contribute to the trust fund for the Protocol (BEP) to enable the Secretariat to implement approved activities in a timely manner;
14.Takes note of decision XII/32 making available funds from the merged Special Voluntary Trust Funds (BZ and BI) to also facilitate the participation of Parties in meetings related to the Nagoya Protocol and agrees, in view of the decision to hold the ordinary meetings of the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Protocols concurrently, to use these funds to facilitate the participation of developing country Parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, as well as Parties with economies in transition;
15.Reaffirms the importance of full and effective participation of the developing country Parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, as well as Parties with economies in transition, in the meetings of the Convention and its Protocols and, in this context, requests the Executive Secretary to take into account the relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties and the meetings of the Parties to its Protocols on concurrent meetings and improving the efficiencies of the structures and processes of the Convention and its Protocols; 24
16.Requests the Secretariat to remind Parties of the need to contribute to the Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BZ) at least six months prior to the ordinary meetings of the Convention and its Protocols;
17.Requests the Executive Secretary to prepare and submit a programme budget for the distinct costs of Secretariat services and the work programme of the Protocol for the biennium 2017-2018 to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol at its second meeting, based on two alternatives:
(a)Making an assessment of the required rate of growth for the programme budget (BYP Trust Fund);
(b)Maintaining the programme budget (BYP Trust Fund) at the 2015–2016 level in nominal terms and adding the costs of the posts paid for from voluntary contributions in 2015-2016;
18.Requests the Executive Secretary to include, in the scenarios, proposals on a pro rata division between the Convention and its two Protocols of the shared operative costs following discussions on the implementation of the Functional Review of the Secretariat;
19.Also requests the Executive Secretary to report on income and budget performance, unspent balances and the status of surplus as well as any adjustments made to the Protocol budget for the biennium 2015-2016 and to provide to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol all financial information regarding the budget for the Convention on Biological Diversity at the same time as it is provided to Parties to the Convention.
Table 1
Biennium budget of the Trust Fund (BYP) for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing 2015-2016
(Thousands of United States dollars)
Description 2015 2016 TOTAL
I. Expenditures
Staff costs* 171.8 428.2 600.0
Bureau meetings 35.0 35.0 70.0
Compliance Committee Meetings 0.0 30.0 30.0
Clearing-House Informal Advisory Group Meetings 30.0 30.0 60.0
Second meeting of the Parties (COP-MOP-2) 0.0 328.9 328.9
ABS Clearing-House Translation Costs 20.0 20.0 40.0
Sub-total 256.8 872.1 1,128.9
II. Programme support cost (13%) 33.4 113.4 146.8
TOTAL BUDGET (I + II) 290.2 985.5 1,275.7
III. Working Capital Reserve** 0.0 0.0
TOTAL BUDGET (II + III) 290.2 985.5 1,275.7
* Additionally 1P-3 and 1P-2 ABS-CH posts paid for from voluntary funds in 2015; 1 P-3 Monitoring and Reporting post paid from voluntary funds in 2015.
1 P-3 ABS-CH post paid for from voluntary funds in 2016; Differential costs for upgrade of P-2 post to P-3 for Monitoring and Reporting paid from voluntary funds in 2015-2016.
** Working capital reserve set at zero.
Table 2
Secretariat staffing requirements for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing 2015-2016
Description 2015 2016
A. Professional Category
P-3 1 2
P-2 0 1
Total Professional Category 1 3
B. Total General Service Category 0 0
TOTAL (A + B) 1 3
Table 3
Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BEP) for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities of the Nagoya Protocol for the 2015-2016 biennium
(Thousands of United States dollars)
I Description 2015-2016
Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing
Expert Meetings on Article 10 1 60
Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity-building for the Nagoya Protocol 120
Coordination meeting on capacity-building for the Nagoya Protocol 60
Expert meetings on the ABS CH (2) 120
Regional and subregional capacity-building workshops (6) 480
2. STAFF2-5
Programme Officer (P-3) ABS-CH 347
Associate Programme Officer (P2) ABS-CH 124
Programme Officer (P-3) Monitoring and Reporting 220.5
Nagoya Protocol 30
Short-term Staff/Temporary Assistance
Nagoya Protocol 30
Nagoya Protocol 1 120
Nagoya Protocol 160
Sub-total I 1,871.5
II. Programme Support Costs (13 per cent) 243.3
TOTAL COST (I + II) 2,114.8
1 Funds pledged by Norway for Expert meeting and Study on Article 10.
2 Funding pledged by the European Union for 1 P-3 post in 2015-2016 and 1/2 P-2 post in 2015 on the ABS-CH.
3 Funding pledged by Switzerland for 1/2 P-2 post in 2015 on the ABS-CH.
4 Funding pledged in 2015 by Norway (1/2) and the European Union (1/2) for cost of P-2 post for Monitoring and Reporting.
5 Funding pledged by the European Union (2015-2016) for upgrade of post on Monitoring and Reporting from P-2 to P-3.
Table 4
Indicative Contributions to the Trust Fund for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing for the biennium 2015-2016*
Parties UN scale of assessments 2015
(per cent)
Scale with 22% ceiling, no LDC paying more than 0.01 %
(per cent)
Contributions per 1 Jan. 2015
UN scale of assessments 2015
(per cent)
Scale with 22% ceiling, no LDC paying more than 0.01 %
(per cent)
Contributions as per 1 Jan. 2016a
Total contributions 2015-2016
Albania 0.010 0.103 300 0.010 0.103 1,018 1,318
Belarus 0.056 0.579 1,680 0.056 0.579 5,703 7,383
Benin 0.003 0.010 29 0.003 0.010 99 128
Bhutan 0.001 0.010 30 0.001 0.010 102 132
Botswana 0.017 0.176 510 0.017 0.176 1,731 2,241
Burkina Faso 0.003 0.010 29 0.003 0.010 99 128
Burundi 0.001 0.010 30 0.001 0.010 102 132
Comoros 0.001 0.010 30 0.001 0.010 102 132
Cote d’Ivoire 0.011 0.114 330 0.011 0.114 1,120 1,450
Denmark 0.675 6.977 20,245 0.675 6.976 68,747 88,993
Egypt 0.134 1.385 4,019 0.134 1.385 13,648 17,667
Ethiopia 0.010 0.010 29 0.010 0.010 99 128
European Union 2.500 7,255 2.500 24,638 31,892
Fiji 0.003 0.031 90 0.003 0.031 306 396
Gabon 0.020 0.207 600 0.020 0.207 2,037 2,637
Gambia 0.001 0.010 30 0.001 0.010 102 132
Guatemala 0.027 0.279 810 0.027 0.279 2,750 3,560
Guineab 0 0.001 0.010 102 102
Guinea-Bissau 0.001 0.010 30 0.001 0.010 102 132
Guyana 0.001 0.010 30 0.001 0.010 102 132
Honduras 0.008 0.083 240 0.008 0.083 815 1,055
Hungary 0.266 2.749 7,978 0.266 2.749 27,092 35,070
India 0.666 6.884 19,975 0.666 6.883 67,831 87,806
Indonesia 0.346 3.576 10,378 0.346 3.576 35,239 45,617
Jordan 0.022 0.227 660 0.022 0.227 2,241 2,901
Kenya 0.013 0.134 390 0.013 0.134 1,324 1,714
Lao People's Democratic Republic 0.002 0.010 29 0.002 0.010 99 128
Madagascar 0.003 0.010 29 0.003 0.010 99 128
Malawi 0.002 0.010 29 0.002 0.010 99 128
Mauritius 0.013 0.134 390 0.013 0.134 1,324 1,714
Mexico 1.842 19.039 55,248 1.842 19.036 187,604 242,851
Micronesia (Federated States of ) 0.001 0.010 30 0.001 0.010 102 132
Mongolia 0.003 0.031 90 0.003 0.031 306 396
Mozambique 0.003 0.010 29 0.003 0.010 99 128
Myanmar 0.010 0.010 29 0.010 0.010 99 128
Namibia 0.010 0.103 300 0.010 0.103 1,018 1,318
Niger 0.002 0.010 29 0.002 0.010 99 128
Norway 0.851 8.796 25,524 0.851 8.795 86,673 112,197
Panama 0.026 0.269 780 0.026 0.269 2,648 3,428
Peru 0.117 1.209 3,509 0.117 1.209 11,916 15,425
Rwanda 0.002 0.010 29 0.002 0.010 99 128
Samoa 0.001 0.010 30 0.001 0.010 102 132
Seychelles 0.001 0.010 30 0.001 0.010 102 132
South Africa 0.372 3.845 11,157 0.372 3.844 37,887 49,045
Spain 2.973 22.000 63,840 2.973 22.000 216,813 280,653
Sudan 0.010 0.010 29 0.010 0.010 99 128
Switzerland 1.047 10.822 31,403 1.047 10.820 106,635 138,038
Syrian Arab Republic 0.036 0.372 1,080 0.036 0.372 3,667 4,746
Tajikistan 0.003 0.031 90 0.003 0.031 306 396
Uganda 0.006 0.010 29 0.006 0.010 99 128
United Arab Emirates 0.595 6.150 17,846 0.595 6.149 60,600 78,446
Uruguay 0.052 0.537 1,560 0.052 0.537 5,296 6,856
Vanuatu 0.001 0.010 30 0.001 0.010 102 132
Viet Nam 0.042 0.434 1,260 0.042 0.434 4,278 5,537
TOTAL 10.322 100.000 290,184 10.323 100.000 985,512 1,275,696
* Contributions from new Parties joining in 2015 will be used to build the Working Capital Reserve of the Trust Fund.
a A new scale will be issued for 2016 contributions in October 2015 reflecting new Parties as at 1 January 2016.
b Guinea will be invoiced in 2015 on a pro-rata basis.

23The "BYP" and "BEP" Trust Fund designations used in the present document are subject to change by the Trustee and are used here purely for the convenience of delegations attending the meeting.
24Decisions XII/27 and XII/29, BS-VII/9 and NP-1/12.