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Fifth meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Liability and Redress in the Context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (WG-L&R 5), 12-19 March 2008, Cartagena, Colombia

SCBD/BS/WDY/jh/61661 (2008-002)

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Cartagena Protocol National Focal Points, CBD National Focal Points (where CPB National Focal Points have not yet been designated), Relevant Organizations

Publication Date

I am pleased to inform you that the fifth meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Liability and Redress in the Context of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (WG-L&R 5) will be held in Cartagena, Colombia, from 12 to 19 March 2008, following the generous offer made by the Government of Colombia to host it and with financial support from the Netherlands, the European Community and Austria. You will find the provisional agenda, its annotations and the working document for the meeting posted on the Secretariat’s website at www.cbd.int/doc/meeting.aspx?mtg=BSWGLR-05. I am also pleased to convey herewith a letter from the Co Chairs of the Working Group regarding the organization of the meeting, including, in particular, the arrangement of bilateral consultations with them before and during the meeting.

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