List of Selected Experts for the workshop on Regional Action to Combat Invasive Species on Islands to Preserve Biodiversity and Adapt to Climate Change, Auckland, New Zealand, 11-16 April 2010
SCBD/STTM/JM/JSH/71433 (2010-064)
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I am pleased to inform you that the governments of New Zealand, Spain, Italy, Australia, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, as well as the Nature Conservancy, the Global Island Partnership, the Global Invasives Species Programme, and the Pacific Invasives Initiative have made contributions in kind for the organisation of the workshop and to support the travel of experts from developing country Parties, Small Island Developing States and Parties with economies in transition to participate in the workshop on regional action to combat invasive species on islands to preserve biodiversity and adapt to climate change, which will be held in Auckland, New Zealand, from 11-16 April 2010.
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