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Arreglos provisionales para la asignación de la financiación para facilitar la participación de las Partes en el proceso del Convenio y su Protocolo para la seguridad de la biotecnología

SCBD/SEL/OJ/57059 (2007-002)

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CBD National Focal Points

Publication Date

Pursuant to Decision VIII/31, paragraph 22, of the Conference of the Parties, I am pleased to forward to you the Interim Arrangement regarding procedures for the allocation of funding from the Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BZ) for facilitating participation of Parties in the Convention process and its Biosafety Protocol, as endorsed by the Bureau at its meeting held on 5 December 2006, in Brasilia, Brazil. The document is accessible on the SCBD website at: http://www.biodiv.org/doc/ref/meetings/mtg-part-funding-en.pdf.

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