WGRI Recomendación
. Streamlining the guidance provided to the Global Environment Facility as the institutional structure operating the financial mechanism of the convention
2/3Streamlining the guidance provided to the Global Environment Facility as the institutional structure operating the financial mechanism of the convention
The Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Review of Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity
1.Recommends that the Conference of the Parties at its ninth meeting:
(a)Welcomes the dialogue between the Chief Executive Officer of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Bureau of the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties held in Paris on 8 July 2007;
(b)Encourages the Executive Secretary to maintain and strengthen the dialogue with the Chief Executive Officer of the GEF with a view to enhancing the implementation of the guidance adopted by the Conference of the Parties during the fourth phase of the GEF;
(c)Encourages collaboration at national level between national focal points for the Convention, for related environmental agreements and for the GEF, including through the projects supported by GEF;
(d)Noting that the GEF is built on the principles of country-drivenness and country ownership, highlights the important role of national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAP) as a tool in identifying national needs and priorities for GEF financing;
(e)Recognizes the need to provide coherent and prioritized guidance to the GEF;
(f)Adopts a four-year (2010-2014) framework for programme priorities related to utilization of GEF resources for biodiversity, coinciding with the fifth replenishment of the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund;
(g)Requests the President of the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to transmit to the Council of the Global Environment Facility, in anticipation of the fifth replenishment of its Trust Fund, the four-year framework for programme priorities;
2.Invites Parties and Governments, relevant organizations and the GEF to submit to the Secretariat of the Convention, by 1 December 2007, their views on elements for the four-year (2010 2014) framework for programme priorities related to the utilization of GEF resources for biodiversity, as well as ways and means to enhance the process of formulating and consolidating guidance to the financial mechanism;
3.Requests the Executive Secretary to prepare, for the consideration of the Conference of the Parties at its ninth meeting, elements for the four-year (2010-2014) framework for programme priorities related to utilization of GEF resources for biodiversity, as well as recommendations to the process of formulating and consolidating guidance to the financial mechanism, taking into account the views expressed by Parties during the second meeting of the Working Group on Review of Implementation, and submissions by Parties, Governments and relevant organizations and national priorities identified in national biodiversity strategies and action plans;
4.Requests the Executive Secretary to organize a dialogue session among the Parties, with participation of the Chief Executive Officer of the GEF, in Bonn on 17 May 2008, prior to the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, on the four year (2010-2014) framework for programme priorities related to utilization of GEF resources for biodiversity, as well as the procedures for streamlining guidance to the GEF.
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