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Side Event

Outcomes and experiences of DarwinNet: The Peru - Ecuador Dry Forest Clearing-house Mecanism.

Nature and Culture International

Date and Time
29 March 2006 18:30 - 20:15

Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 8)

DarwinNet is a bi-national, transboundary initiative that aims to gather, repatriate, analyze and disseminate information on the dry forests of the Northwest Peru and Southwest Ecuador. This zone, also known as the Tumbesian Region, is recognized worldwide for its high biological value, especially in terms of endemic species, but also for its high level of degradation and deforestation, thus making it a global priority for conservation. This side event will present the main outcomes and experiences of this CHM focused on specific ecosystem, after two years of implementation. Environmental authorities of both countries will be involved, presenting their expectative on the future roll of this mechanism.