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  • Side Events (83)



  • Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (83)

Aichi Targets


Side Event

Biodiversity and Marine protected areas: Building capacities for the development of regional MPAs networks toward effective large marine ecosystem-based management

French Marine Protected Areas Agency

Date and Time
26 October 2010 13:15 - 14:45

Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10)

Panel session with three components : 1. Presentations of the recommendations on “ Biodiversity and MPAs” - 5th Global Ocean Conference in Paris-UNESCO – May 2010 ( session "preserving life" implemented by French Marine Protected Areas Agency) 2. Regional MPAs networks initiatives: - CAMPAN in the Caribbean – RAC-SPAW protocol of the Cartagena Convention - MEDPAN in the Mediterranean - MAIA in the North East Atlantic - RAMPAO in the West Africa 3.Capitalizing good experiences in a regional context and developing new perspectives / AFD-FFEM