Side Event
The International Youth Forum Go4BioDiv : Giving voice to indigenous values and knowledge for the benefit of nature conservation
IUCN, UNESCO, CBD, Tsukuba University and GTZ
Date and Time
26 October 2010 18:15 - 19:45
Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10)
The International Youth Forum Go4BioDiv, held in parallel to COP10, brings together young people from the most precious natural sites our planet has to offer. The participants come from more than twenty natural World Heritage sites in i.e. Mexico, Peru, Congo, Cameroon, Mauritania, Vietnam, China, India, Australia, Germany and the host country Japan. Many of these representatives of the young generation belong to indigenous communities while others closely work with them. Indigenous peoples often inhabit fragile natural environments and their culture and life-style closely depends on the protection of their territories, which they often consider to be sacred land. Therefore, even more than other societies, they have a high stake in the conservation of biological diversity and the resolute tackling of the challenge posed by climate change. Indigenous peoples believe their time-proven traditional values and accummulated knowledge have much to contribute towards the resolution of these problems. They would like to present their perspective on these issues and invite you to an open discussion.