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  • Side Events (42)


  • SBSTTA 16 (42)


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Side Event

No Geoengineering Experimentation - A Policy dialogue on preventing unjust and risky geoengineering activities

Action Group on Erosion, Techhology and Concentration

Date and Time
1 May 2012 13:15 - 14:45

Sixteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

In Nagoya in 2010 parties to COP10 of the CBD enacted the first ever international decision on governance of geoengineering technologies - a de facto moratorium on all geoengineeing activities in an uncontrolled setting. Despite this clear signal there is now increasing industrially-led interest in testing the hardware for geoengineering techniques and political moves to circumvent or sideline the moratorium. Join with ETC Group and other experts to hear what geoengineering activities are being advocated for and by whom and to discuss how SBSTTA can now meaningfully strengthen and ground in precaution the COP's landmark decision on geoengineering.