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  • Side Events (42)


  • SBSTTA 16 (42)


Aichi Targets


Side Event

Wild flora for improved rural livelihoods - supporting the GSPC sustainable use objective


Date and Time
2 May 2012 18:15 - 19:45

Sixteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice

This side event will present the results of a study funded by the UK Government, "Wild flora for improved rural livelihoods in Brazil, China, India and Mexico". Based on a review of plant case studies in the four countires, a report has been produced with recommendations to support implementation of the GSPC sustainable use objective. The side event will be an important opportunity to exchange views and lessons learned during the process. Practical interventions to enhance livelihoods will be discussed, together with FairWild certification and links to CITES. Speakers will include representatives from BGCI, TRAFFIC International and the Mexican government agency CONABIO.