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Side Event

World Wide Views on Biodiversity: Closing the democratic gap between citizens and global policymaking

The Danish Board of Technology

Date and Time
17 October 2012 13:15 - 14:45

Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 11)

World Wide Views on Biodiversity was the first-ever global citizen consultation on Biodiversity. 3,000 citizens from 25 countries, chosen to reflect the demographic diversity in their country/region, participated in day-long meetings at 34 sites around the world on September 15, 2012. They deliberated on some of the issues discussed among policymakers at COP11, and voted on the same set of questions worldwide. The results offer a unique insight into public opinion about issues normally discussed by policymakers, experts and interest groups only. At this side event, results will be presented by the World Wide Views coordinators, followed by a panel discussion about the perspectives for using such methods for citizen participation in global, environmental governance