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  • Side Events (71)



  • Communication, Education and Public Awareness (71)

Aichi Targets


Side Event

Conserving the mudflats of Seocheon County, Republic of Korea, through sustainable development and ecotourism

BirdLife International

Date and Time
1 January 0001 0:0 - 0:0

Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Geum Estuary in the Republic of Korea is considered the most important site for migratory birds (including many globally threatened species) in the country and offers meaningful bird watching opportunities year round. This side event will showcase how public education and awareness on the conservation of globally threatened migratory birds can be delivered through tourism. It will thus demonstrate the ways and means through which Seocheon County Government, BirdLife International and UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) are working to deliver Aichi Target 1 and 12 through via a range of CEPA initiatives. In recognition of the environmental values of their county, the Seocheon County Government has been prioritising sustainability and nature conservation for over a decade. The Migratory Bird Centre, mainly focussed on children’s education; the new National Institute of Ecology and National Institute of Marine Resources; the BirdLife International project for the conservation of the intertidal habitats on Seocheon County, and the selection of the site as one of the eight UNWTO ‘Destination Flyways’ project aimed at conserving migratory birds through tourism, are some the examples which will be presented.