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Side Event

Climate Change, Biodiversity and Desertification Synergies

Environment Canada

Date and Time
22 March 2006 18:30 - 20:15

Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 8)

Biodiversity, land use and climate are inextricably linked. Because of these linkages, there are many examples at regional, national and international scales where integrated joint work on the synergies between the issues and their Conventions will be more effective than dealing with each separately. Activities that promote adaptation to climate change, for example, also contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and sustainable land management. Joint implementation of the UN Conventions – the CBD, UNCCD, Ramsar and UNFCCC – can yield multiple benefits. This side event will explore opportunities for synergistic actions supporting climate change adaptation, mitigation, biodiversity conservation and desertification risk reduction. An emphasis will be placed on Canadian experiences where biodiversity considerations have been incorporated into adaptation planning. The format of the event will consist of a panel discussion with invited speakers, followed by an open plenary discussion.