Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, including Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Strategic Plan Indicator Factsheet

Operational Indicator Trends in extinction risk of species
Communication Question State – How is the state of biodiversity changing?
Strategic Goal C
Headline Indicator Trends in abundance, distribution and extinction risk of species
Indicator Sub-topics Trends in abundance, distribution and extinction risk of species
Most Relevant Aichi Target 12
Other Relevant Aichi Targets 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15
Operational Classification Priority and ready for use globally
Status of development Available for birds, mammals, amphibians and corals globally. Further taxonomic groups being added over the next decade (e.g., sharks, groupers and wrasses, cycads, conifers, etc). Available globally, regionally and, over the next decade, nationally (many countries have produced national Red Lists (some using the IUCN methodology and others not) which when repeated could produce national RLIs). Extinction risk indicators and population trend indicators are complementary because they measure different levels of biodiversity (species vs. populations), have different levels of sensitivity (high for population trends, moderate for extinction risk) and different levels of geographic & species coverage (comprehensive for extinction risk for a number of taxonomic groups; much lower for population trends, which are based on better studied species).
Sensitivity (can it be used to make assessment by 2015?) High
Scale (global, regional, national, sub-national) G, R, N
Scientific Validity High
How easy can it be communicated? High
Data Sources Global IUCN Red List. National red lists (either those that apply IUCN criteria and guidelines at the sub-global level, or from other risk-ranking protocols)
Data Requirements IUCN Red List categories for complete sets of species from two or more time-points. Requires genuine recategorisations to be distinguished from non-genuine changes following standard protocols.
Who's responsible for measuring? IUCN and its Partners (BirdLife InteR, National, NatureServe, Conservation InteR, National, Kew etc) at the global level. National agencies developing or updating national red lists.
Other conventions/processes using indicator UN MDGs, CMS