2010 Biodiversity Target

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ARCHIVE: Task Forces on indicators for assessing progress towards and communicating the 2010 biodiversity target

In decision VII/30, the Conference of the Parties (COP) identified eight indicators for immediate testing and several requiring further development. Together, these are expected to lead to a balanced set of indicators suitable for assessing progress at the global level towards the 2010 target, and for communicating effectively trends in biodiversity related to the three objectives of the Convention.

In the same decision the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, with the assistance of an ad hoc technical expert group, was requested to review the use of these eight indicators and identify or develop those which require further work.

In preparation for a meeting of the ad hoc technical expert group and to establish an effective process that allows evaluation of progress towards the 2010 target a number of task forces have been established to assemble data, which are already available for the various focal areas, and to use the indicators to assess progress towards, and communicate the 2010 target at the global level, as identified in decision VII/30.

Each task force has reviewed a draft report on one of the indicators to contribute to the evaluation of progress towards the 2010 Biodiversity Target. Under the threads below the review comments and discussion on the indicators can be followed.

Following the review by a technical expert group, SBSTTA, Governments and other experts, the outputs have been used in the preparation of the second edition of Global Biodiversity Outlook.

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