The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing

Details of Measure

General Description
Country or Region Panama
Official Title Decreto Ejecutivo No 25 de 29 de abril de 2009 que Reglamenta el Articulo 71 de la Ley 41 de 1 Julio de 1998, General de Ambiente.
Level National/Federal
Type of Measure Regulation
Status of Measure Entered into force
Date of Entry into Force 2009-10-31
Additional Information
Full-text of Measure Document

Main ABS Elements

ABS Element
Description Relevant articles and sections
National Focal Point Link to Panama - National Contacts
Competent National Authority
National Environment Authority (ANAM) (regulates and controls access) Art. 4
Unit for Access to Genetic Resources (UNARGEN) (applications and contracts for access) Art. 5, 6
Access to genetic and biological resources (in-situ and ex-situ conditions) Art. 2
Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedures
Applications for access Art. 23-28
Transfer of materials Art. 29-33
Mutually Agreed Terms (MATs)
Benefit-sharing agreements, including disclosure of certificate of origin or provenance and sharing of results Art. 18-22, 39-44
Compliance Mechanisms
Cancelation of access contract and sanctions Art. 45-47, 48, 49-50
Traditional Knowledge Associated to Genetic Resources
Classification and registration of traditional knowledge Art. 34-36
PIC and benefit-sharing Art.23-28
Certificate of origin or provenance Art. 6