The Bio-Bridge Operational Framework

In general, the Bio-Bridge Initiative operates as follows:

  • A Party requiring support submits a request for assistance form to the Bio-Bridge helpdesk. If necessary, the helpdesk assists the Party in articulating its needs and/or elaborating the request for assistance.
  • The helpdesk determines what course of action is most appropriate. This may include direct response to the Party for simple requests such as providing relevant information or case studies, or facilitating the development of a proposal for a technical and scientific cooperation initiative to meet the need.
  • The helpdesk identifies an appropriate partner (i.e. provider of technical assistance) from a network of relevant organizations to develop a proposal for the new technical and scientific cooperation initiative to address the Party's needs for submission to donors.
  • When the technical and scientific cooperation initiative is funded, the helpdesk monitors its implementation using the indicators and targets described in the proposal.
Contact us :

The Bio-Bridge Initiative
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
413, Saint Jacques Street, suite 800
Montreal QC H2Y 1N9, Canada

Telephone: 1 514 288 2220
Fax: 1 514 288 6588