Dry and Sub-humid Lands Biodiversity

Case Study Details

Name of Partnership Blackwood Biodiversity Programme
Organization Blackwood Basin Group
Country Australia
Description The aim of the Blackwood Biodiversity Program is to:

protect and enhance as many bush areas as possible within the Blackwood catchment that are of high biodiversity value;

work in conjunction with existing Government, natural resource professionals and community networks to identify both individual sites of high biodiversity value, as well as piloting landscape level biodiversity conservation;

educate landholders on the benefits of incorporating biodiversity into their current land management system.

The core of the program is the strategic targeting of funds available by prioritising bush areas identified as potentially being of high biodiversity value. A model was developed by the WA Department of Agriculture to rank the (approx) 24,000 patches of bush over one hectare, existing within the Blackwood catchment.
Lessons Learned Strategic focus

Rigorous scientific and financial basis for decision making

Balanced approach combining scientific information with community decision making

Felxibile and adaptive process to allow for the incorporation of lessons learned

Process, criteria and implementation take place at the landscape level

Consideration of regional priorities
Web Site http://www.deh.gov.au/biodiversity/publications/case-studies/blackwood.html
Main Actors Non-Governmental Organizations
Type of Capacity Building Building Partnerships
Keywords Information / Knowledge Sharing
Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessments