Année 2010



The main International Day for Biodiversity celebrations took place in Nairobi. Delegates from around the world were present for the day’s celebrations. The opening ceremonies were conducted by various delegates from the government and also dignitaries from international organizations. More than 300 individuals assembled for a celebration at Karura Forest. Participants also met at Huruma with the Huruma people so that they could see how development and biodiversity can coexist. The Huruma people described the importance of maintaining the ecosystems so that they continue to use the water, medicinal plants and animal feed. The day ended with the participants planting over 200 trees. Read more.

Mount Suswa
This event was held to promote awareness of the importance of maintaining and reserving biodiversity, specifically in relation to the Masai’s way of life. Over 250 Masai took part in the five activities which were set up for the day. The first was the Bird and Wildlife Monitoring group, which took participants on a trek to identify and locate several species in the area. An emphasis was placed on the interlinkage between species. For instance, participants were told that the birds in the area were necessary because they ate insects that are capable of destroying crops. A second group explored the lava tube cave system and spotted several baboons and bats. Another group was shown how to use the new stoves at the school. These new stoves will allow locals to use much less firewood, thus saving trees and an individual’s time. Another group was told about the benefits of maintaining and protecting the soil; while another planted over 200 trees. Read more.

Lake Naivasha
On 15 May at the Kihoto grounds, experts emphasized the importance of maintaining the local landscape around Lake Naivasha. Organizers also explained the importance of balancing individuals’ livelihoods with sustaining the environment. Over 400 people attended the festivities. After speeches, a day of education began. There was one group that learned about the effects of human use of species and the correlation with the decline in biodiversity. An emphasis was placed on educating locals on the importance of maintaining and restoring the biodiversity in the region. The other group identified and learned about the species surrounding the lake. In the end, the individuals agreed that there needs to be increased awareness, enforcement of laws and increased forestry protection. Read more.