International Day for Biological Diversity - 22 May 2013 - Water and Biodiversity


International Youth Council (IYC)

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) - which have shaped global development agenda over the last decade are set to expire in 2015. Important progress has been made in many areas including water and sanitation, but what should come next?

To answer this question, the UN is hosting an online consultation on water along with other different themes seeking to activate diverse voices of civil society, NGOs, young people, business, academia and professional groups.

We know that water and sanitation are essential for human well-being, economic development and healthy environment.

We also know that children and young people are affected disproportionately by inaccessible clean water. Young people typically walk long distances to collect water for the family, preventing them from getting an education and breaking the cycle of poverty. This has a far-reaching consequence in health and economic development. Through participating in the online water thematic consultation, young people will have a chance to engage in this crucial debate about how to improve access to water, sanitation and hygiene.

Let us exercise our rights shape the future and tell the world how we want the water situation to look like.

Contribute to shaping the post 2015 water agenda by joining the conversation:

Twitter: @waterpost2015/#waterpost2015

Please share with your networks!