
CBD Information Centre Catalogue

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Documents 1 to 5 of 5 documents found

1.Biodiversity convention for botanists : an introduction to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora / produced by the Conventions and Policy Section, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK.
Areas: Global Strategy for Plant Conservation; Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures
2.Bolivia's strategy on access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing : the development of a genetic resources component for the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (ENCB)
Wells, Adrian; ten Kate, Kerry
Areas: Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing; National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP)
3.Going home : a manual on the repatriation of information from ex-situ conservation and research institutions to countries of origin / Manolo Ruiz [et al.].
2000 - Ruiz, Manolo; Pooma, Rachun; Jenkins, Martin D.
Areas: Clearing-House Mechanism; Ex-Situ Conservation
4.Preparing a national strategy on access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing: a pilot study for the UNDP/UNEP/GEF Biodiversity Planning Support Programme / Kerry ten Kate, [et al.].
2001 - Wells, Adrian; ten Kate, Kerry
Areas: Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing; Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity
5.Results of the pilot project for botanic gardens : principles on access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing, common policy guidelines to assist with their implementation and explanatory text / Latorre Garcia, Fernando, [et al.].
2001 - Latorre Garcia, Fernando; Williams, China; Cheyne, Phyllida
Areas: Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing; Ex-Situ Conservation