Impact Assessment

COP Decisions

Guidance to Parties

National action

  • Decision III/11 paragraphs 9, 15(g)
    Conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biological diversity
  • Decision III/18 paragraph 6
    Incentive measures
  • Decision IV/4 Annex, A, paragraphs 9 (e), (g)
    Status and trends of the biological diversity of inland water ecosystems and options for conservation and sustainable use
  • Decision V/5 paragraph 23
    Agricultural biological diversity: review of phase I of the programme of work and adoption of a multi-year work programme
  • Decision V/8 Annex I, Guiding Principles 7, 10, 11
    Alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species
  • Decision V/18 paragraphs 1, 2
    Impact assessment, liability and redress
  • Decision V/25 paragraph 4(g)
    Biological diversity and tourism
  • Decision VI/17 paragraph 2, 3
    Financial mechanism under the Convention
  • Decision VI/23 paragraph 12
    Alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species
  • Decision VII/4 paragraph 24)
    Biological diversity of inland water ecosystems
  • Decision VII/5 paragraph 45
    Marine and coastal biological diversity
  • Decision VII/7 paragraph 2
    Environmental impact assessment and strategic environment assessment
  • Decision VIII/28 paragraphs 5, 10
    Impact assessment: voluntary guidelines on biodiversity-inclusive impact assessment

Information and case studies

  • Decision IV/6 paragraph 4
    Agricultural biological diversity
  • Decision IV/10 Part C, paragraphs 1, 8
    Measures for implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity
  • Decision V/18 paragraphs 3, 6
    Impact assessment, liability and redress
  • Decision VI/7 paragraphs 2, 3
    Identification, monitoring, indicators and assessments
  • Decision VII/7 paragraph 2
    Environmental impact assessment and strategic environment assessment
  • Decision VIII/28 paragraphs 5, 8(b), 10, 12(c)
    Impact assessment: voluntary guidelines on biodiversity-inclusive impact assessment