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  • Side Events (21)


  • WG8J 4 (21)


Aichi Targets


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21 Results
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Result 1 to 21

Side Event
WG8J 4

LIFE PLANS - Territorial, Cultural and Environmental Tool to Ensure Indigenous Peoples Survival

Sebastian Jansasoy, Director of Zio'Ai Foundation in Colombia will present the methodology to carry out Life Plans and describe aspects of the Cofan Life Plan. The presentation will be followed by comments from other organizations.

Side Event
WG8J 4

Biodiversity and local ecological knowledge : what lessons from the French experiences ?

Presentation of a collective book presenting some French experiences of TEK protection and promotion

Side Event
WG8J 4

The Protection of Collective Bio-Cultural Heritage/ La Protección Colectiva de Patrimonial Bio-Cultural

The aim of this event is to further explore the relatively new concept of 'Collective Bio-Cultural Heritage', an alternative, more responsive approach to developing international standards regarding access, use and benefit sharing of indigenous traditional knowledge. / El objetivo de este event ...

Side Event
WG8J 4

Biozulua and the Question of Ethics in Research Relationships with Indigenous Peoples

Analysis of the lessons learned from the Biozulua database of traditional knowledge in Amazonas, Venezuela for debates surrounding research ethics and Article 8(j) under the CBD.

Side Event
WG8J 4

Will the access of Genetic and Biological Resources ensure sharing of benefits and sustainable use?

Experiences of the Kani People in India on the access of genetic resources and benefit-sahring as a model, to indigenous communities of Thailand and Indonesia on sustainable use of biodiversity.

Side Event
WG8J 4

Illegal access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge

Presentation of videos regarding ilegal access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge, as well as the Andean Amazonic Iniciative against biopiracy

Side Event
WG8J 4

Livestock Keepers ' Rights

Presentations by Tom Loquang, KISUP ATEKER Uganda; P. Vivekanandan SEVA, Madurai, India; S. Gura, League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development

Side Event
WG8J 4

Elements for Sui Generis Systems: Collective Bio-Cultural Heritage and Customary Laws in Peru, Panama, India, China and Kenya.

To present key lessons for the development of sui generis systems, based on research with indigenous and local communities on customary laws and practices relating to the management and protection of traditional knowledge and genetic resources - rice, potatoes, maize & medicinal plants

Side Event
WG8J 4

Impacts of Terminator Technology on Indigenous Peoples in the Andes: Results of a consultation with Quechua farmers in a Center of Origin and Diversity of Potatoes

Seventy-one indigenous leaders and community members from six districts and twenty-six communities in the Andes and Amazon of the Department of Cuzco gathered in the civic center of the remote mountain village of Choquecancha, Peru on the 26th and 27th of September to discuss the potential impac ...

Side Event
WG8J 4

Local Communities and Traditional Knowledge Protection: Experience from Colombia

The event will focus on the experience of Afro-Colombian communities in developing internal regulations for the protection of traditional knowledge.

Side Event
WG8J 4

Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Intellectual Property Rights: An Enabling Tool for Development with Identity

It reports some creative ways in which documentation of ethnobotanical knowledge can be carried out without losing community ownership over intellectual property rights. It also presents the general findings of the documentation, current and future uses of the documented knowledge, and how this ...

Side Event
WG8J 4

Putting Article 10(c) into Practice: Protecting and Encouraging Customary Use of Biodiversity

A workshop to discuss and explore ways and means to further the implementation of Article 10 (c) of the Convention, which requires Parties to "protect and encourage customary use of biological resources in accordance with traditional cultural practices that are compatible with conservation and s ...

Side Event
WG8J 4

Development of an indicator for the direct measurement of the status and trends of indigenous and traditional knowledge

In accordance with Article 8j of the CBD, the 2010 Targets identify Focal Area 5, "Status of traditional knowledge, innovations, and practices" as one of the key areas for the development of indicators relevant to the goal to “achieve a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity l ...

Side Event
WG8J 4

Sui Generis Protection Mechanisms: the Asia Indigenous Peoples' Experience

Features indigenous community experiences on "sui generis" protection mechanisms in the Asia region providing an overview of "sui generis" protection from the context of indigenous peoples.

Side Event
WG8J 4

Workshop on CBD Implementation: National and Regional Experiences

Presentation of experiences and indigenous participation at the national and regional level (Asia and Latin America) in the implementation of the Convention, in particular Article 8(j).

Side Event
WG8J 4

Conservation of Tropical Rain Forest (Mata Atlântica)

Debate about the risks and opportunities for conservation and sustentable use of biodiversity in tropical rain forest (Mata Atlântica)

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 1 to 21
Results for: ("Side Events") AND ("WG8J 4")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme