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678 Results
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Result 651 to 678

News Headlines

Endangered species are key to our survival

Last week, India submitted its sixth national report to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. The report was a mixed one: While the country is on track to meet most of its national biodiversity targets, the bad news is that the list of animal species from the country under the i ...

News Headlines

Here's All The Incredible Species That Went Extinct In 2018

In a year where arguably more people became aware of the damage humans are doing to the environment by using palm oil and single use plastics we were unable to stop some amazing species becoming extinct.

News Headlines

Giraffes added to endangered species list of animals under threat of extinction

Two subspecies of giraffe have been added to a list of endangered animals under threat of extinction after a rapid decline in their populations. Numbers of the long-necked mammals have gone down by 40% over the last three decades, mostly as a result of human activity in their habitats.

News Headlines

We’re losing monarchs fast—here’s why

The epic 3,000-mile monarch butterfly migration may become a thing of the past. Each fall, monarchs travel from their summer homes in the northern U.S. and Canada to winter habitats in California and Mexico. But the 2018 Western Monarch Thanksgiving Count found that the number of west-coast mona ...

News Headlines

The true story of how 96 endangered sea turtle hatchlings survived a New York City beach

July 12 saw highs in the mid-80s in New York City this year — a typically hot, muggy NYC summer day. Perfect beach weather, in other words. It was a Thursday, so there probably wouldn’t have been too big of a crowd, but luckily there were at least a few beachgoers out at West Beach, near the wes ...

News Headlines

Banning trophy hunting imports won’t save the world’s wildlife

Well-meaning celebrities and MPs recently published a letter in the Guardian, calling for a ban on trophy hunting imports into the UK. To the novice conservationist, this surely sounds like a good thing, right? After all, trophy hunting kills animals so how could it possibly be good for conserva ...

News Headlines

Satellite trackers help fight vultures’ extinction in southern Africa

CAPE TOWN, South Africa — Every other hour, Sonja Krüger logs onto her website and checks the birds’ status. Pharoah is taking a mud bath in the mountains, Jeremia is on a roost site viewing the Maloti mountain range, and Mollie is scouring the grasslands for a fresh carcass.

News Headlines

What happened next? Was the punk turtle that breathes through its genitals saved from extinction?

Australia’s Mary River turtle went viral after it was named on an endangered species list – and Cate Blanchett even voiced a puppet of it. But was that enough to save it?

News Headlines

Once thought extinct, bizarre horned frog reappears in Ecuador

Unseen for more than a decade, the enigmatic and endangered horned marsupial frog has reappeared in an Ecuadorian forest, to biologists’ delight.

News Headlines

Giraffes just silently went to the endangered list of animals facing extinction

Giraffes have been widely overlooked in conservation practices for a little too long. They just made their entry into the Red List of endangered species.

News Headlines

Giraffes facing threat of extinction, several species considered ‘critically endangered’

The world’s tallest land mammals may be slipping toward extinction, with three of the nine subspecies of giraffes now in serious trouble and considered “critically endangered.”

News Headlines

Friskier frogs: endangered species gets a sex appeal boost

Australian researchers have a new way to increase desire in the northern corroboree frog

News Headlines

Endangered Hawaiian monk seals face new challenge: eels stuck up their noses

Picture of monk seal with eel up its nose shared by Noaa was only latest episode to occur in the past two years, baffling researchers

News Headlines

It's time to take a stand for natur

The World Wildlife Fund has just released its 2018 Living Planet Report. Humans have wiped out 60 percent of animals between 1970 and 2014. The figures contained in the report are just a few symptoms of the dire state the planet is in.

News Headlines

Florida Monarch Butterfly Populations Have Dropped 80 Percent Since 2005

A 37-year survey of monarch populations in North Central Florida shows that caterpillars and butterflies have been declining since 1985 and have dropped by 80 percent since 2005.

News Headlines

Northern white rhino: New hopes for IVF rescue

A new study raises hopes of saving one of the last animals of its kind. A victim of poaching, the northern white rhino population has been reduced to just two females, which are both unable to breed. DNA evidence shows the rhino is more closely related than previously thought to its southern wh ...

News Headlines

Africa: How We Arrived At a $1 Billion Annual Price Tag to Save Africa's Lions

A billion dollars. That's approximately what it would cost, to save the African lion. That's a billion dollars each year, every year into the foreseeable future.

News Headlines

'What extinction looks like': U.S. mountain caribou to be moved to Canada

The six mountain caribou remaining in the lower 48 states will be relocated farther north into British Columbia, a move that ends decades of efforts to reintroduce the large animals into Idaho and Washington state.

News Headlines

New report paints disturbing picture of humanity pushing nature to the brink

The report, which comes out every two years, presents a sobering picture of the impact of human activity on the world’s wildlife, forests, oceans, rivers and climate. It underscores the rapidly closing window for action and the urgent need for the global community to rethink and redefine how we ...

News Headlines

Tiny frog takes giant leap for the world's endangered species

Humans have proven adept at wiping out vast numbers of animals. Can we atone by saving species through captivity breeding?

News Headlines

As Insect Populations Decline, Scientists Are Trying to Understand Why

When Susan Weller traveled to Ecuador to study tiger moths in the 1980s, she found plenty of insects. A decade later, Weller, now director of the University of Nebraska State Museum, returned to conduct follow-up research. But the moths she was looking for were gone.

News Headlines

Report says experts should monitor B.C.’s efforts to protect at-risk species

B.C. government efforts to protect species at risk should be monitored by a special independent scientific body, a team of conservation and biodiversity experts said in a study released Tuesday.

News Headlines

WWF report: Mass wildlife loss caused by human consumption

"Exploding human consumption" has caused a massive drop in the global wildlife population in recent decades, the WWF conservation group says. In a report, the charity says losses in vertebrate species - mammals, fish, birds, amphibians and reptiles - averaged 60% between 1970 and 2014. "Earth is ...

News Headlines

Action needed to restore biodiversity

The way we feed, fuel and finance our societies and economies is pushing nature, according to the World Wildlife Fund’s latest Living Planet Report.

News Headlines

Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970, report finds

The huge loss is a tragedy in itself but also threatens the survival of civilisation, say the world’s leading scientists.Humanity has wiped out 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970, leading the world’s foremost experts to warn that the annihilation of wildlife is now an emergency ...

News Headlines

VIDEO. Sauver les abeilles grâce à votre entreprise ? C’est possible.

"Redonner aux abeilles et aux ruches un nouveau territoire pour combler le manque de ruches en France et en Europe." Tel est l’objectif d’Apiterra, une entreprise française spécialisée dans l’agriculture urbaine qui propose aux entreprises et aux collectivités d’installer des ruches aux abords d ...

News Headlines

'Super-sized' mice threaten seabird colonies with extinction

Super-sized mice are killing millions of seabird chicks on a remote island in the South Atlantic, threatening some rare species with extinction. According to a study from the RSPB, the mice have learned to eat the eggs and chicks of the many millions of birds that make Gough Island their home.

News Headlines

Insects Are Rapidly Disappearing Around The World, Leaving Scientists Horrified

Insects around the world are in a crisis, according to a small but growing number of long-term studies showing dramatic declines in invertebrate populations.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 651 to 678
Results for: ("News Headlines") AND ("Endangered Species")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme