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Press Release

Engaging North America People in Protecting Life on Earth

12 February 2010. At the initiative of the United Nations Development Programme and in partnership with the American Museum of Natural History, the official launch of the International year on Biodiversity for North America region was held on 10 February 2010 in New York at the prestigious hall ...

Press Release

Engaging children and youth on biodiversity at the Farnborough International Airshow

Montreal, 23 July 2010 – More than 3,000 students from over 200 schools across the United Kingdom were given a lesson on the crucial importance of biodiversity to human well-being and to our future at the 2010 Farnborough International Airshow. Speaking to students at the opening of the Airshow’ ...

Press Release

Engaging the Canadian Business Community in Support of the Nagoya Biodiversity Compact. Convention on Biological Diversity Secretariat Co-Hosts Biodiversity Workshop for Quebec-Based Companies.

Montreal, 22 March 2011 – Representatives from 30 companies and institutions representing the major economic sectors of Quebec joined the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) for a workshop on biodiversity for Quebec-based enterprises.

Press Release

Engaging the Cities of the World in the Battle for Life on Earth.

Montreal, 28 March 2007. In 1950, only three of the world's most populous cities were in developing countries. Currently, only three of the world's most populous cities are in rich countries. Cities occupy two per cent of the planet’s surface but their residents use 75 per cent of the Earth’s ...

Press Release

Enhanced Cooperation between the Convention on Biodiversity in Europe and the United Nations Convention for Life on Earth.

For the first time in the history of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the President of the Standing Committee and the Secretary of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitat, commonly referred to as the Bern Convention, paid a visit to the Secretaria ...

Press Release

Enhanced GEF and CBD efforts to explore funding options for achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets in West Africa

Montreal, 28 July 2011 – The Convention Secretariat, in collaboration with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) country support programme and with the financial support of European Commission, organized a West Africa regional workshop on biodiversity and finance in support of the Nagoya biodive ...

Press Release

Enhanced GEF-CBD Collaboration in Support of the Nagoya Outcomes in Asia

Montreal, 12 April 2011 – Discussions about partnerships, funding, and national experiences took centre stage at the Asia Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance in Support of the Nagoya Outcomes, held in Da Lat, Viet Nam, on 8 April 2011. The Workshop was organized in collaboration with t ...

Press Release

Enhanced Inter-Agency Partnership for Post-Nagoya Biodiversity Challenges

Montreal, 19 July 2010 – With Governments and their partners actively engaged in finalizing the new biodiversity vision for 2050 and the 2020 biodiversity targets, which will include the international protocol on access and benefit sharing, senior officials of the United Nations Development Pro ...

Press Release

Enhanced implementation, mainstreaming, key issues at first meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation to the Convention on Biological Diversity

The first meeting of the new Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI-1) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will open today, focusing on increasing efforts related to strengthening the review process and enhance on-the-ground implementation at global, national, sub-national and local ...

Press Release

Enhancing Montreal support to the activities of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Montreal, 13 July 2009,– On 9 July 2009, the Montreal-based Secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) and Tourisme Montréal signed for the first time a Memorandum of Understanding related to the convening of meetings under the Convention and its Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. Tourism ...

Press Release

Enhancing Preparations for the Aichi-Nagoya Biodiversity Summit

Montreal, 19 November 2009 – A powerful delegation from Japan visited the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) in Montreal on 16-17 November to discuss substantive preparations for the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to ...

Press Release

Enhancing Preparations for the Next Meeting of the Parties in Bonn

At the invitation of the Government of Germany, Executive Secretary Ahmed Djoghlaf paid a visit to Berlin and Bonn for the preparation of fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on B ...

Press Release

Ensuring Compliance of All Parties With Their Reporting Obligations on the Implementation of the 2010 Biodiversity Target

Manama, Bahrain, 12 April 2010-At the World Summit on Sustainable Development, world leaders agreed to substantially reduce the rate of loss of biodiversity by 2010. The 193 Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity decided to submit before March 2009 a national report on the implementat ...

Press Release

Entry into force of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: Press Kit

Dr. Klaus Toepfer, the Executive Director of UNEP, Mr. Hamdallah Zedan, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), The Honourable Rejoyce Mabudafhasi, Deputy Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism for South Africa, and Mr. Juan Mayr, the former Colombian Minister ...

Press Release

Essential role of biodiversity and ecosystems for sustainable development recognised in Sustainable Development Goals

Biological diversity and ecosystems featured prominently in the proposal of a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals of the 68th session of the United Nations General Assembly agreed by acclamation to forward to the General Ass ...

Press Release

Establishment of Canadian “Friends of the CBD” Association to Support Canada’s Efforts in Protecting Biodiversity

Montreal, 30 June 2010 – The Canadian Environmental Network (RCEN) has announced that it will play host to a Canadian Friends of the Convention on Biological Diversity Association—the first of its kind worldwide.

Press Release

Establishment of a Vibrant Partnership between Countdown 2010 and the Convention for Life on Earth.

The Head of Countdown 2010 and his team paid its first visit to the Secretariat on the Convention on Biological Diversity to discuss collaboration for achieving the Johannesburg biodiversity target.<br><br><table width=120> <tr><b>Other languages:</b></tr> <tr><td>French </td><td><a href='/doc/p ...

Press Release

Establishment of a Vibrant Partnership between the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Civil Society of its Host Country: Signature of an MOU with the Canadian Environmental Network

Montreal, 10 November 2009 – A strong partnership has been established between the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD), which has been located in Montreal since 1996, and civil society in its host country.

Press Release

Ethiopia and Fiji ratify international treaty on use of genetic resources

Montreal, 20 November 2012 – Fiji and Ethiopia have become the 8th and 9th Parties to the CBD respectively to deposit their instruments of ratification for the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from Their Utilization to the Conv ...

Press Release

European Community Members and Their Overseas Entities meet to counter Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss

Montreal, 11 July 2008. More than 450 participants representing 43 countries attended the first-ever international conference “The European Union and its Overseas Entities: Strategies to Counter Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss”, which was held from 7 to 11 July 2008 at Saint Denis on Reuni ...

Press Release

European Union and 12 Member States sign the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization

Montreal, 23 June 2011 – The number of signatories to a new international treaty on access to and the sharing of benefits from the utilization of genetic resources today jumped to 37 with the signature of the European Union (EU) and 12 of its member states.

Press Release

European Union approves Nagoya - Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress

Montreal, 26 March 2013 – The European Union deposited, on 21 March 2013 its instrument of approval of the Nagoya – Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.

Press Release

European Union implementation of Nagoya Protocol bolstered by recent ratification of Germany

Germany is the latest country to ratify the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization, bringing the total number of ratifications to 74. This includes 73 countries and the European Union (EU), which ratified the P ...

Press Release

Executive Has Audience with the French Minister of State for Environment and Sustainable Development and Planning, Paris 5 July 2007.

Paris, 6 July 2007. Mr. Jean-Louis Borloo, French Minister of State for Environment and Sustainable Development and Planning granted an audience to the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf on the margins of the twelfth meeting of the Subsidiary Body o ...

Press Release

Executive Secretary Hails Record Replenishment of the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund

Montreal, 21 May 2010. The new record level of replenishment for the Global Environment Facility in a time of economic and financial uncertainty represents a renewed confidence on the part of the international community in the capacity of the GEF to act as the financial mechanism for responsib ...

Press Release

Executive Secretary Meets with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UNDP Administrator.

Following the successful celebrations across the world of the International Day on Biological Diversity, the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, met with United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in New York on 25 May 2007.

Press Release

Executive Secretary Welcomes EU-Japan Cooperation on 2010 Biodiversity Targets

Japan and the European Union on 24 April pledged to cooperate towards the achievement of the 2010 Biological Diversity Target. In a joint release “Japan and the EU, acknowledging the Potsdam Initiative-Biological Diversity 2010, will work together for achieving by 2010 a significant reduction of ...

Press Release

Executive Secretary Welcomes Opening of a Training and Education Centre for Marine Biodiversity in South-eastern China.

Montreal 16 October 2006. A major contribution to the infrastructure for public awareness and education for biodiversity conservation in China was welcomed by the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf.

Press Release

Executive Secretary Welcomes the Announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize to the IPCC and Al Gore

The Executive Secretary, Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, today welcomed the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded jointly to the Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Mr. Al Gore. In welcoming the announcement Mr. Djoghlaf praised the Nobel Committee for highlighting the incr ...

Press Release

Executive Secretary discusses Preparations for the Tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties with all Japanese Stakeholders

Montreal, 26 May 2009. Japan organized a major celebration on the International Day for Biological Diversity, joined by Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, who was on an official visit to Japan from 21 to 26 May 2009 at the invitation of the Ja ...

Press Release

Expanding scientific expertise for implementation of Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011 2020

Montreal, 3 August 2011– The Consortium of Scientific Partners to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) continues to grow with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Agropolis International and the Convention Secretariat. Agropolis International thus becomes the eighteenth m ...

Press Release

Expanding scientific expertise for implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 at the margins of the seventh meeting of Working Group on Article 8(j) and the fifteenth meeting of SBSTTA

Montreal, 8 November 2011– The opening reception of the fifteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), witnessed the continuing growth of the Consortium of Scientific Partners (CSP) to the Convention, as ...

Press Release

Expanding scientific expertise for the implementation of the new Strategic Plan of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Montreal, 12 November 2010 – The Consortium of Scientific Partners to the Convention on Biological Diversity continues to grow as three new members signed, on the margins of the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Nagoya, a memorandum ...

Press Release

Expert Meeting on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development Cooperation concludes in Montreal

Montreal, 19 May 2009 – More than 45 development cooperation agencies, development banks, United Nations agencies and international non-governmental development organizations participated in the Expert Meeting on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development Cooperation, held at the premises of the ...

Press Release

FAO Committee on Forestry Calls for Collaboration on Biodiversity Mainstreaming in the Lead up to the Thirteenth Meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity

Montreal/Rome, 9 August 2016 – The 23rd session of the Committee on Forestry (COFO23), which took place in Rome, Italy 18-22 July 2016, took an effective approach that focused on the interlinkages between forest and other sectors and issues, including biodiversity and climate change.

Press Release

FAO, SPREP and CBD introduce guide on mainstreaming biodiversity and ecosystem services into agricultural production and management in the Pacific Islands

9 December 2016 – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), today released a technical document that provides guidance on mainstreaming ecosystem servi ...

Press Release

Faced with Biodiversity Crisis, a New Vision Is Urgently Required

Montreal, 25 May 2010. In the wake of the release of the United Nations Global Biodiversity report on the status of biodiversity in 2010, which highlighted the grave state of the variety of life around the world, representatives of world Governments are meeting this week in the United Nations O ...

Press Release

Faced with “Empty Forests”, experts urge better regulation of bushmeat trade - International gathering identifies innovative solutions for resolving the bushmeat crisis, for the benefit of indigenous peoples and local communities.

Nairobi, Montreal, Geneva, 10 June 2011 – A growing and lucrative illegal international commercial trade in the meat and other parts of wild mammals, birds and reptiles (“bushmeat”) is causing widespread loss of biodiversity, imperilling the livelihoods of communities around the world, and desta ...

Press Release

Farm practices must change to protect endangered species and habitats

ZURICH, June 27, 2017 — Sustainable agriculture practices must be widely implemented in order to stem an alarming loss of biodiversity and to protect endangered species.

Press Release

Farmers now guaranteed access to biodiversity and sharing of benefits as major crop gene banks are brought under international treaty.

Montreal 23 October 2006 – An agreement to bring the genebank collections of international agricultural research centres into the framework of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources will help ensure that the world’s farmers have the resources to improve the sustainability of agricul ...

Press Release

Finland renews support for the Convention’s gender mainstreaming efforts

Montreal, 4 July 2011 – The Government of Finland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has renewed its support for the gender mainstreaming efforts of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Through a letter dated 21 June 2011, Finland announced that it will contribute 250,000 euros to the Conven ...

Press Release

First Regional Response to the Nagoya Outcomes Will Be Elaborated in the Arab Region

Cairo/Manama/Montreal, 8 November 2010 – Just a month after the Nagoya biodiversity summit, government officials of Arab countries will gather in Cairo on 29-30 November 2010 to elaborate national and regional responses to the Nagoya outcomes.

Press Release

First ever scientific assessment of the impact of avian flu on wildlife and biodiversity launched.

The first ever scientific assessment of the impact of avian flu on wildlife and biodiversity will be carried out by international experts from around the world in conjunction with the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, to be held in Curitib ...

Press Release

First meeting of biodiversity implementation body recommends ways and means to enhance achievement of global biodiversity targets

The first meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 1) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) came to a close on 6 May 2016 in Montreal, Canada. Delegates from around the world advanced attention on national action by recommending tools and approaches for implementing the S ...

Press Release

First-ever global guidelines adopted on genetic resources Biodiversity conference also acts on forests and invasive species

The Hague, 19 April 2002 – Ministers leave The Hague today after charting a course for global action on biological diversity through the end of the decade. In addition to this strategic plan, the two-week meeting on the Convention on Biological Diversity is to adopt detailed guidelines on access ...

Press Release

First-ever global guidelines adopted on genetic resources Biodiversity conference also acts on forests and invasive species

The Hague, 19 April 2002 – Ministers leave The Hague today after charting a course for global action on biological diversity through the end of the decade. In addition to this strategic plan, the two-week meeting on the Convention on Biological Diversity is to adopt detailed guidelines on access ...

Press Release

Five more countries ratify the Nagoya Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity

9 September 2016 – France, Mali, the Netherlands, the Republic of Moldova and Sweden are the latest countries to ratify the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization, bringing the total number of ratifications to 85.

Press Release

Follow the latest COP-7 developments on the Internet

Over 2 000 world experts on biodiversity and sustainable development are gathered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for the seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity. <p>Journalists and members of the public can stay abreast of all the development ...

Press Release

Forest Biodiversity provides an “Insurance Policy” against Climate Change

Montreal, 26 October 2009 – Maintaining and restoring biodiversity in forests promotes their resilience to human-induced pressures and is therefore an essential “insurance policy” to safeguard against climate change impacts, according to a study released yesterday by the Convention on Biological ...

Press Release

Forest Policies from six countries shortlisted for Future Policy Award

New York / Montreal / Hamburg / Rome, 5 July 2011 – Policies from six countries are now shortlisted for the 2011 Future Policy Award. Bhutan, The Gambia, Nepal, Rwanda, Switzerland and the USA are still in the running for the most inspiring, innovative and influential forest policies worldwide.

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Result 201 to 250
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  • United Nations Environment Programme