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  • Marine and Coastal Biodiversity (1683)



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1683 Results
Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 401 to 450

Press Release

Executive Secretary Welcomes Opening of a Training and Education Centre for Marine Biodiversity in South-eastern China.

Montreal 16 October 2006. A major contribution to the infrastructure for public awareness and education for biodiversity conservation in China was welcomed by the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Dr. Ahmed Djoghlaf.

Side Event
COP 10

Experience in Implementing High Seas Marine Protected Areas

The side event will showcase the first successfully installed High Seas MPAs and the approaches organizations have taken for the establishment. From the North-East Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea and the Southern Ocean speakers will present institutions’ responses to the challenges of protectin ...


Expert Workshop on Underwater Noise and its Impacts on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity

25 - 27 February 2014, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


Expert Workshop to Identify Options for Modifying the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) and Describing New EBSAs, 3 to 5 February 2020 - Brussels, Belgium

Reference: SCBD/SSSF/AS/SBG/JA/JG/88518 (2019-107)
To: CBD National Focal Points; Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Focal Points; SBSTTA Focal Points; indigenous peoples and local communities; and relevant organizations

pdf English 
Action by

Expert workshop on marine protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures for achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 in marine and coastal areas, 6-9 February 2018 - Montreal, Canada

Reference: SCBD/SPS/DC/SBG/JL/JG/86837 (2017-098)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Focal Points, POWPA Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, relevant United Nations/international organizations, Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans, Regional Fisheries Bodies, IPLCs and other relevant organizations

pdf English 
Action by

Expert workshop on scientific and technical guidance on the use of biogeographic classification systems and identification of marine areas beyond national jurisdiction in need of protection, 29 September – 2 October 2009, Ottawa, Canada

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JL/SGa/65788 (2009-022)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Other Governments, relevant organizations

Please refer to the earlier notification dated 12 December 2008 (Ref.: SCBD/STTM/JM/JL/SGa/65788) regarding the nominations of experts to participate in the expert workshop on scientific and technical guidance on the use of biogeographic classification systems and identification of marine areas ...

pdf English 
Action by

Expert workshop on scientific and technical guidance on the use of biogeographic classification systems and identification of marine areas beyond national jurisdiction in need of protection, Ottawa, Canada, 29 September – 2 October 2009

Reference: SCBD/STTM/JM/JL/SGa/65788 (2008-162)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Other Governments, relevant organizations

I have the pleasure to inform you that, with financial support from the Governments of Canada and Germany, the Secretariat is convening an expert workshop on scientific and technical guidance on the use of biogeographic classification systems and identification of marine areas beyond national ju ...

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Action by

Expert workshop to develop options for modifying the description of areas meeting the criteria for ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs), for describing new areas, and for strengthening the scientific credibility and transparency of the EBSA process, 5-8 December 2017 – Berlin, Germany

Reference: SCBD/SPS/SBG/JL/JG/86798 (2017-086)
To: CBD National Focal Points, Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Focal Points, SBSTTA Focal Points, relevant United Nations/international organizations, Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans, Regional Fisheries Bodies, IPLCs and other relevant organizations

pdf English 
News Headlines

Experts discuss food security from oceans

The world will have an additional 2 billion people to feed over the next 30 years—and doing that without decimating the planet's resources will require exploring as many options as possible.

News Headlines

Explained: How Clean Ocean Linked To Human Rights

As the world is observing the Human Rights Day on December 10, there is a need for everyone to know how the importance of clean, healthy and sustainable environment. In October this year, the UN Human Rights Council recognized that a clean, healthy and sustainable environment is a human right.

News Headlines

Extreme weather has damaged nearly half Australia's marine ecosystems since 2011

CSIRO says dramatic climate events are compounding the effects of underlying global heating


FAO Ministerial Meeting on Fisheries

12 March 2005, Rome, Italy

Side Event
COP 10


The purpose of this event is to share the information on the most recent status of marine protected areas and other coastal conservation activities in Japan. Discussion will be made on governance mechanisms and socio-economic incentives behind several good practices. The role of coastal fishing ...

News Headlines

Failing to protect oceans could cause irreversible damage, experts say

Failure to protect the oceans, which regulate climate and weather patterns, could cause irreversible damage to the world's ecosystems, according to experts.

News Headlines

Fangs and tentacles: rarely seen deep sea fish washes up on California beach

With its mouth agape – revealing a set of pointy black teeth – and a large protruding appendage surrounded by a series of tentacles, the sea creature resembled something out of a horror film. But, the 18in-wide fish, which somehow found its way from the depths of the Pacific to the shores of New ...

News Headlines

Fate of corals hangs in the balance

In November 2018, a new coral reef communication effort involving inter-governmental organizations, international conservation organizations, and private foundations was announced at the Convention on Biological Diversity in Egypt to send a message about the need for bold leadership to save cora ...

News Headlines

Fate of corals hangs in the balance

In November 2018, a new coral reef communication effort involving inter-governmental organizations, international conservation organizations, and private foundations was announced at the Convention on Biological Diversity in Egypt to send a message about the need for bold leadership to save cora ...

News Headlines

Fauna, their roles of deep Indian Ocean, most unknown: Dr Ryabinin at INCOIS foundation day

"The fauna in the deep Indian Ocean remains the most unknown. Neither do we know its role nor contributions in any form," the senior Russian oceanographer said while referring to the latest World Ocean Assessment report.


Fifth International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture

22 - 25 July 2004, Ronaoke, United States of America


Fifth World Water Forum

16 - 22 March 2009, Istanbul, Türkiye

News Headlines

Fiji’s Corals Are Bouncing Back After Being Reduced to Rubble in Historic Storm

After the most destructive cyclone in Fijian history smashed into tahe island four years ago, it was feared the rich coral reefs surrounding the island would never recover.

News Headlines

Finding Bright Spots in the Global Coral Reef Catastrophe

The first-ever report on the world’s coral reefs presents a grim picture, as losses mount due to global warming. But there are signs of hope — some regions are having coral growth, and researchers found that corals can recover if given a decade of reprieve from hot water.

National Report



Voluntary Report on Implementation of the Programme of Work on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity


First Meeting of the LP (London Protocol) Intersessional Legal and Related Issues Working Group on Ocean Fertilization

11 - 13 February 2009, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

News Headlines

First-of-its kind study offers blueprint for ocean protection

A first-of-its-kind study has examined the benefits of protecting the world's oceans.The study, published in Nature on Wednesday, endorsed protecting 30 percent of the world's land and ocean by 2030 in order to protect biodiversity, restore fisheries and combat the climate crisis.

News Headlines

Fish DNA in lake sediment can help determine native species, study shows

A new technique developed by University of Alberta biologists can determine whether certain fish populations are native to lakes in national parks.

News Headlines

Fish Poop and Their Role in Carbon Flux in the Oceans

There are many fishes in the sea, they say. So, that means that it is also full of fish poop that is full of carbon. A study estimates that up to 16% of all the carbon in the world's ocean comes from fish poop, fish breath, and other excretions coming from fish.

News Headlines

Fish love songs and fighting talk: underwater sound library to reveal language of the deep

From the “boing” of a minke whale to the “drum” of a red piranha, scientists are documenting more sounds in our world’s oceans, rivers and lakes every year. Now, a team of experts wants to go a step further and create a reference library of aquatic noise to monitor the health of marine ecosystems.

News Headlines

Fish oil and fishmeal industry harming food security in west Africa, warns UN

The UN’s food agency has warned that the “overexploitation” of fish in west Africa by the growing global fishmeal and fish oil industry is having a “considerably negative impact” on food security, undermining the ability of local communities to feed themselves.

News Headlines

Five of the most colorful and beautiful ocean creatures

When we think of animals, we typically picture the creatures that we have seen or heard about. But there are innumerable living entities that are completely off our visual range.

News Headlines

Five ways individuals can help save the oceans

I have never understood why society believes young people are not capable of changing the world; ideas change the world, and young people are full of ideas and the energy to implement them.

Results per page: 10 25 50 100
Result 401 to 450
Results for: ("Marine and Coastal Biodiversity")
  • United Nations
  • United Nations Environment Programme