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  • Decisions (0)




COP Decisión

. Location of the Secretariat


The Conference of the Parties,

1. Expresses its sincere gratitude to the Governments of Canada, Kenya, Spain and Switzerland for their generous offers to host the permanent Secretariat of the Convention;

2. Decides to accept the offer of the Government of Canada, contained in document UNEP/CBD/COP/2/Rev.1, to host in Montreal the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, established under Article 24 of the Convention;

3. Requests the Executive Secretary without delay to discuss and agree with the Government of Canada the practical arrangements for the transfer and hosting of the Secretariat of the Convention in Montreal;

4. Stresses that such a transfer should, to the maximum extent possible, minimize the negative impact on the substantive preparation by the Secretariat of the meetings to be convened in 1996 under the auspices of the Convention, and other related activities;

5. Requests the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to negotiate and finalize the headquarters agreement with the Government of Canada;

6. Further requests the Executive Secretary to report to its third meeting on the implementation of this decision.